
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Camera Disaster

I am so sorry to report that my beloved Nikon Coolpix P5000 took a bad fall off my sewing room table last night and needs to go to the camera hospital.
Luckily there is an authorized Nikon repair shop in Portland...but I won't even be able to take it in until next I won't be blogging for awhile.

After all, what use is a post without pictures?

Have a wonderful week-end, everyone...I hope to be back posting soon.....


  1. Bummer! But Portland is a FUN place to go......

  2. Rats! I hope your Nikkon has a quick and complete recovery! I am still morning the death of my Pentax, very untimely, but it did push me into digital at last! lol
    Thanks for stopping by my blog - try the stumpwork - you'll love it!

  3. Oh, ouch! Hope it's an easy, quick fix.

  4. Maybe you can do a journey through past projects or some such idea with borrowed pics already taken.

  5. I feel your pain. Back in the old days when I had my first digital camera, I laid it down on a quilt in my sewing room. Later when I picked up my quilt, the camera went flying. Since it cost more to fix it than it would have to buy another, I bought a new, smaller camera. I think the new one was an early Nikon which had a whopping 2 megapixels. The one that broke was a Sony, the memory card was a 3.5" floppy disc!

  6. It's a sign - you need a break! I'll be glad when you get back, tho' I wish your camera well, and a speedy and complete recovery.

  7. Bummer!

    I have left an award for on my blog! Enjoy!

  8. The idea of life without a camera is frightening! And I so agree, blogging without photos? Never!

  9. I miss you when you aren't posting! Hope your camera gets some TLC and is back in action soon!


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