
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cottage CQ..Center Complete

While I'm waiting for the last of my tools to arrive for my experiments in French Flower making, I've put in a few days' work on my Cottage CQ.

This project has been a series of tough challenges since Day 1...there were so many technical issues to resolve. The design decision making was almost more difficult. (I must have redone that fan above the cottage 5 or 6 times.)

But at last I've committed to a solution, and have sewn it down. This is it!

There is quite a bit more work to do on the water section...but I am coming down the home stretch on this one at last....


  1. It is amazing!! So beautiful!!

  2. Wow, Allie, it's changed a lot since you last posted a photo! How did you do that lettering? Very nice!

  3. wow another change on your fan section? I have to admit I'm not a complete fan of this latest revision, but I'll hold my judgment until I see it embellished.

    I agree with Judy, that lettering is gorgeous.

  4. I love the beach glass & stones that you've added. I collected several when at the Lake last summer, with the intention of adding them to a quilt some day.

    It really is a wonderful piece. My favorite so far!

  5. My first thought "it's perfect"
    My second thought "it's perfect"
    my third thought..."its perfect!!"
    It allows that light through the trees you were looking to achieve(I think that's where you were heading?). It blends the fan in with the rest of the of the background. The inverted triangle of the sun mirrors the roof line.
    And the banner just says "hey, come on down".
    Its perfect Allie. And inspired, and i just want to look at it. It going on my screensaver...

  6. I think it's looking VERY good. I get a feeling of serenity.

  7. Trees in the fan, now. I like it, and the lettering. The depth in the tree section really show up in this picture. Beautiful work. I'll be looking forward to the water.

  8. I think I hear a red-winged blackbird's call, and notice the smell of forest pine. I'm home.



    *(happy) sigh*

  9. Positively breath-taking Allie, I love what you have done. I think the fan looks great.

  10. I really like this version - the sky isn't so stark as before. The lettering is beautiful!

  11. Hi, Allie,
    I don't think I have ever left a comment before, but your blog has been on my Favourites list for a good three years now. I would like to ask you to drop by my blog as there is a surprise waiting for you!

  12. I really like the addition of the lettering, especially as a reminder of happy places. It's all beautiful but the woods inspires me to try my own someday.
    Again, it must be that Michigan thing!

  13. Such an interesting piece on many levels--complex enough to engage the eye but not overly fussy to confuse the viewer. Excellent!

  14. A chef d'oeuvre, Allie. The trees overhanging the cottage, the sky just barely exposed, the elegant lettering, everything so beautifully balanced and integrated. Truly a magnificent work.

  15. Well, Miss Allie, as Jo said, this is perfect. Nuff said!

  16. the canopy reaches, and protects and soothes...but the threshold coming off of the lake itself with the stones/glass is a wonderful entryway to the enchantment that is your very special place. I can hear the water lapping at the door and the wind in the trees, cooling you on a hot day. Got a hammock?
    (close-ups, please.)

  17. I love this version of the fan - it works with the rest of the piece. I left an award for you on my blog, enjoy!

  18. This is looking so lovely! All that detail and texture in the trees is something and adds so much to it! That bit of sky looks so much better now too!

  19. I also think the new sky is perfect, I love the tree branches in it. That was a hard piece to design and you did it exquisitly!

  20. Perfect solution, and just what it needed.

  21. The arch at the top couldn't look more beautiful no matter HOW MANY MORE times you ripped it out! I love this piece more than any CQ I've ever seen in my entire life.

    Robin A.

  22. Allie, you continually inspire me. So great to meet friends via blogs!

    Because you continually stretch me creatively, I’ve passed on an award to you. Please check out my blog today to get your ribbon.

    Cameo @–>–>—
    Studio Window


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