
Monday, March 2, 2009

Class Samples...Finished

The kit components are assembled, the directions written, and the samples for my upcoming class on 3 D floral embellishments are all stitched.

Why did I make three samples, you might ask?
Because I want my students to make their own design decisions when embellishing their blocks. There is no one "right way" to I thought I'd show some different approaches. I also wanted to give them a choice of which color kit to buy, and they need to visualize them in order to decide.

So here they are....

The white.....

The green.....

And the black.

Those cross stitch butterflies are from a pattern that my dear friend Pam Kellogg, of Kitty and Me Designs, created for me especially for this class. Thank you, Pam!
(For her fabulous cross stitch designs for crazy quilting, buy her book, Elegant Crazy Quilt Seam Treatments on Etsy.)

I enjoyed getting this class material together very much. There is so much that could be added to these blocks...especially beading. But my students will have to take it from here....

Next up for me is a different kind of 3 D flower construction, one I am HIGHLY excited about learning. I am waiting to get all my materials and tools together.....hopefully by Wednesday I'll be able to get started.
For a hint of what it's all about, look here....and stay tuned!


  1. I love the 3 different backgrounds showing basically the same flower embellishments. Excellent, m'lady! I so wish I lived in Maryland right now! ;0)

  2. I wish you lots of fun with your classes! Love the picture of you relaxing in your garden of beautiful flowers....Jules

  3. Wish I could be in your class! The samples look great!

  4. Oh I wish I could be in your classroom looking over your shoulder. All there are so very beautiful, however, I would have to pick the green one.

    You do such beautiful work.

  5. Beautiful, and each unique. The green one reminds me of a walk down a wooded path.

  6. BRAVO!!! I can't tell you how excited I am -- I'm hanging these on my studio wall and counting down the days -- oh boy, oh boy!!

  7. I wish that I could take your class. Although, I would have a difficult time choosing "just one" of the backgrounds. Good job! They are lovely.

  8. The projects look splendid! I'm jealous of those that are attending/ You are going to end up with a lot of people across the country bribing you to come teach in their neck of the woods. I know a store in Chicago that would probably love to have you- and not too far from your Michigan vacation spot!

  9. Allie ~ they are all gorgeous! I'll take one of each please! Lol! How lucky these Maryland gals will be to take this class!

    The millinary flower making should be lots of fun! I can just see the next quilt coming with lots of truly 3-dimensional flowers on it!

  10. Fabulous as always! Allie, as well as on line classes I also think you should consider writing a book for those of us not lucky enough to be one of your class students!
    Jules x

  11. How beautiful and fresh-looking: the clear colors are vibrant. I know you're going to love teaching and I hope you'll do more in the future.

  12. These are divine! As always with your work, they sing and dance. I want to do the green one.

  13. Love your work Allie! You should think of doing an online class for us!

  14. They are all gorgeous! How would anyone be able to pick just one?

    Also love your embellished sweater and the quilt for the Alliance.

  15. It is always interesting to see the effect of color! Great idea to show the different backgrounds for those of us whose imaginations don't extend that far. I love the black!

  16. Hello Allie, Your CQ kits are all soooo very beautiful. OH,I wish I could attend your class too. You should give your CQ class here in Montague when you come to visit us in the summer. Hugs VBG Hugs Judy

  17. I've participated in two EGA workshops at the library where you will be teaching. Your preparation for your class is far and beyond what I experienced in those classes. The participants are in for an exceptional learning opportunity. And I hope to get to your lecture.

  18. You know, if I were in the class, I'd want one of each! They are all so pretty, in different ways.

  19. They're all so pretty, Allie.. and you are so very special to take the time to make each one into a sample... OMG... not something most teachers would do.

    In fact, they all look so great, that I'll take what ever is available after the others choose. I slightly favor the black, but will be happy with any of them!

    Love, Robin A.


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