
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

First Garden Day

Unbelievable.....56 degrees, sunny, and no wind....Time to get out there and prune the roses!

For Christmas, Chad got me the most amazing gloves for this job, and I've been eager to try them out.

They are called "Bionic".
And they are TRULY FANTASTIC. They are snug fitting in the hand with supple but thick enough leather so that no thorns penetrate but I can feel what I am doing. The forearm guards mean no nasty scratches, which always happened with my old workgloves.
Total success. Find them here....they'll be great for hacking back blackberries, too.

No close ups of my garden, (although you can click on the picture to make it bigger.) I never can seem to do the final garden clean up in October so it looks pretty bad in there. But how nice to be outside working for the first time this year!


  1. Spring's a-comin'!!! This past weekend, we had beautiful weather, but it's freezing again here. Still, over the weekend, I got the Spring Bug, too. No, I didn't go out to the garden! I went shopping and ended up buying spring-colored threads for my niece to stitch with. Lots of them! And it made me want DAFFODILS!!!!

    Thanks, Allie, for the springy post. I can bear the cold and clouds, as long as I know fine weather's on its way...

  2. Prune the roses?! I live in the GWN (Great White North) and even if I had roses on this new property of mine, I wouldn't be able to find them under the snow, let alone prune them! However, the days are getting longer, the temps are moderating and it's only 10 days till mind is roving toward thoughts of garden plans, peonies and raspberry canes...

  3. I live in the GWN too - on the other end of the country - in New Brunswick - the province next door to Maine. We too have feet of snow covering our gardens, but Marg is right, March is not far away now, and surely spring is right behind! We will enjoy hearing about your gardens and pruning Allie while we wait for winter to end... I so enjoy your blog Allie, especially when there is talk of warmer weather coming!!

  4. Very cool gloves, Allie... they will really protect your arms. Hurray for spring!

  5. That's just unfair to be flaunting spring when I'm freezing! Can't wait to get into the gardens.
    Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings

  6. Hi Allie, I am reading your blog for a long time and I enjoy your lovely work. I am Dutch and here also was falling snow this afternoon. I love gardening too and I hope Spring will be in the air too in Holland. But for now and the weekend we have not so nice weather.....!
    greetings, Janny

  7. Um, are you joking?!? We just got another 6" of snow last night. So not fair!

    Nice gloves, do enjoy them and the fact that you can see your plants!

  8. Wish we could see an end to Winter in the UK Allie,I have a whole new garden to begin creating this year, but It's just cold, wet and miserable here! It's good to hear that Spring is arriving a bit earlier for you.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, and for your kind comments, it was a lovely surprise!

    Jules x

  9. Hello Allie, Unfortunately, there is NO gardening yet here in Michigan. We still have snow on the ground. very sad face. Your gardening gloves are very nice. I have never seen anything like them. I will have to look and see if there is any like them in our stores. Hugs Judy

  10. Love those gloves and thanks for the link. I would love to have more roses but the $%*##R@#% deer eat everything! I bet Spring is blooming all over your studio these days...

  11. Spring sounds good. We're expecting a big snow storm Saturday (Michigan) but I got my first garden seed order in the mail today. Gives me hope for better things.
    Happy gardening!!

  12. Hi Allie - Its cooling sown here - the send of summer clean up has just started at my place - I love the look of those gloves. I notice you link to the mens gloves - is that what you have? There looks little difference but I am curious as I am thinking of buying a pair but want a good fit

  13. Wow, it looks so nice.

    We were in Port Townsend at this time last year, & it got up to 62. I had to buy a sweater because my coat was too warm. I wish I were there right now!

  14. Looks like AZ isn't the only place with nice weather this weekend!

  15. Good for you! I don't envy pruning the blackberries back though! Ha, with the way blackberries grow... it would probably be better to have a body suit made from what your gloves are made of! Hmmmm, might be a good way to get them picked! Ha!
    Enjoy the early reprieve... we got more snow at the beginging of the week, sunshine for the past 3 days and next week they are saying we will get more snow!

  16. What a beautiful setting! It must be a giant pleasure to wake up and look out the windows every morning. That fence I see around your garden area . . does it keep the deer out?

  17. Yes, Judy L, the deer fence around the gsrden works great! (And it fact, makes the garden possible.)


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