
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Class Samples...Making Progress

This is slow and careful work, as I am thinking about how I will teach these flowers and writing lots and lots of notes while I stitch.

I want to give my students lots of information and techniques to try...but I don't want them going home with just little bits done. Too often after a workshop, if the project isn't near completion, it will languish in the UFO pile.
We don't want that!

For the rest of the day I am shifting gears and working on a fun Squishy Project. I'll tell you more about it soon....


  1. Beautiful! What a fun class this will be! I LOVE those flowers on the upper right of the black block! The black makes them shine!

  2. My guess is that most class projects languish in the UFO pile because once the thrill of the class is over, the real work starts; such as integrating the skills into a quilt. And, for most students, that is a big leap.

    Unless you stay very focused and really stitch, I've found it close to impossible to finish class projects in class. Most people like to visit with other members and get up and look around at what is being made--that's most of the fun of the class anyway!

  3. Those are quite lovely :-)

    Pierrette =^..^=

  4. These are wonderful class samples. I see you live in Washington, are you anywhere close to North Idaho?
    I would love to take one of your classes!

  5. I love your poppies: my eye goes straight for the orange. Beautiful work!

  6. Hi Allie

    They are going to just love these samples. If they are at all interested in cq or just makin flowers for other projects they will be so happy.

    I wish I could be there for this class. I too would love to take an online class from you. Think of it seriously. You could stay in your pj's and conduct the class.

    What more could you ask for.



  7. You're so right that many class projects end up in the UFO pile. It's thoughtful to try to plan to avoid that, but as Debra says, it's partly that some people don't take the project seriously enough to be able to finish w/o a push.
    Beautiful flowers! I love the one that looks like chives.

  8. Oooooooh. P-R-E-T-T-Y!!! I want to come to your class!!!!

  9. Each one prettier than the next. What a treat is in store for your class!

  10. Great range of colors and shapes there, Allie. These will really give the students an idea of what can be done with ribbon. How long are the classes going to be?

  11. Beautifull flowers.
    I wish I could be there for this class.

  12. I appreciate your concern for my UFO pile. You, my dear, are a true friend in every meaning of the word. I like all three colors and I'm gonna have trouble settling down and choosing one...those hot colors are smokin' Allie! The brighter the better -- it makes each flower a treat unto itself to complete... thereby ensuring some sense of accomplishment and gratification knowing that, even if you don't complete everything, you've made one beautiful flower...and that, is enough for me.

    I'm feeling kind of lucky and guilty all at the same time since so many of these wonderful ladies wish they could come... I think you need to run, not walk, to your nearest Joggles and teach a class... *big smile* Susan

  13. very pretty...wish i was taking this class :)

  14. Hi Allie, We left the FLA sunshine and woke up this morning to snow and cancelled school in our district! Good for stitching, that's for sure.
    Loved your UFO from classes comment! I have a stack of those, enough to discourage me from other classes as cynical me began to think of them as marketing devices rather than learning opportunities...sounds like you are very on top of the learning part! Wish I could beam myself there, but it'd be more practical for you to teach right here in WA or online! Big Hugs, and happy teaching!


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