
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Class Samples

This May I am making my teaching debut giving workshops in both crazy piecing and three dimensional flower embellishment...two of my favorite things to do, to be sure!

I am redoing my original class sample in a few different colorways with slightly different compositions on each one. I want my students to have very clear visuals of some of the different possibilities they will have with these techniques, and will encourage each of them to make their flower arrangements unique.

To "warm up" I decided to create a few flowers to dress up a spring sweater. I have to have something special to wear when I teach...

Here's a detail of the sweater. I purchased this silk/nylon cardigan from my local Pendleton outlet store here in Washougal for very little money.

Here is the whole sweater, featuring the Ally's Bazaar ribbon that I have quickly fallen in love with.

A pretty flower necklace would be just the thing, wouldn't it? Or maybe some pearls...

And now to my samples....

I find this a most inviting prospect!
And how lucky I am to have these lovely Valentine flowers from my sweetheart to inspire me...

Happy Valentine's Day to you, too.....


  1. How I wish I could take these classes from you ~ especially the dimensional flower one!!! You will be charming in that fun and lovely sweater!

  2. I love what you did with the sweater - espeically the new ribbons! Will this be wearable/washable with the embroidered flowers? It's an art garment now for sure!

  3. Great sweater, Allie, and such a pretty color, too. Seems I recall Susan mentioning your giving a class for her guild....hope not till things warm up on the East Coast.

  4. I expect this to be a "wash by hand in cool water, lay flat to dry" kind of sweater.... ;-)

  5. Howdy Allie! You will look scrumptdidleeiscious in that lovely creation! Rachel Clark always dresses in some luscious creation when she teaches. Beautiful work as usual.

  6. I would love to take a class from you - lots and lots of talent!

  7. Even without this gorgeous sweater, you'll be the bell of the Baltimore ball!!!! Hugs, Robin A

  8. I admire your work very much and read your blog regularly. It is always an inspiration. How do you manage to do such an amount of work? But my most important question is: Have you ever thought of offering your workshops as online classes. I would really like to take part. Thanks for your great work and your sharing.

  9. Love the sweater embellishment. Maybe I'll get to see it.

  10. Allie, that sweater is beautiful. Up to the minute color with some nostaligia with the flower embellishment and a unexpected with the ribbon. You did it all! I vote for the pearls, a flower necklace might take away from the embroidery work.
    Wish I could take one of your classes.sigh.

    Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings

  11. I love those bright spring colors. Somehow your sweater doesn't match the image I have of Pendelton. I guess they must have broadened their look.

    I like that you mixed up the ribbons and used more than one print. Lovely job.

  12. The classes are going to be incredible--if this sweater is any clue. Lovely!

  13. Yes ... how about an online class in basic crazy quilting? I admire all your creations.

  14. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. I'm the luckiest girl around. I really do love those ribbons and the fact that you used 4 different patterns...the perfect sweater for you in the limelight!

    But, I couldn't help but peek into that studio of yours today...and this is what I saw...a laptop, three remotes ?, THREE!! finished, pieced blocks in all three colorways...(Ok, sorry, I had to run for my oxygen), a printout of your cream block, a beautiful pile of ribbons waiting for their day in the sun! I'm just SO excited. I wish my day was THIS exciting...and the sun streaming in the windows....ahhhh....aren't you having a stitch-along someday soon?

  15. Love the sweater, Allie! I'm a Pendelton fan, myself, and I loved it when they came out with the brighter spring colors. We have an outlet about two hours north of here, so it's a favorite place to shop! If I could only get up the guts to do that to one of their sweaters!!! How fun!!

  16. I'm so happy to hear that you are beginning to teach. You have so much to offer in the way of creativity. The sweater is lovely. Where is your teaching debut?

  17. I love your sweater. The green is perfect for Spring. I would be thrilled to take a class from you. Too bad I live in the midwest. My vote is in if you ever decide to do an online class.

  18. I don't think you're starting your teaching career-you've been teaching us on line for quite a while via tutorials. I would love to see you expand your online teaching, as you suggested Robin should do-maybe you also should teach on Joggles or the Online Quilt University. Enjoy the in person classes-your students are lucky to be able to take them.

  19. I so agree with everyone's comments Allie. I'm a complete beginner to CQ, just attempting my first block, which I pieced from your excellent tutorial. I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing the beautiful, incredible work you produce - which has inspired me to have a go myself! So, thank you, very much!

  20. Love the sweater! The bright colors are perfect.

  21. That's quite an addition to the sweater! I love your workspace. Beautiful roses. =)

  22. Oh, so many beautiful things on your blog these days Allie! Love the sweater and yes, I do recognize that lace! Stunning!

  23. Hello Allie, I would LOVE to take a class from you. Sad to say I do not live in Washington. VBG I am sure you class will be loved by all. Hugs Judy

  24. The dress is increadibly beautiful!
    Irina (Moscow, Russia)


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