
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Alliance Medallion...Finished!

I wanted to get the center section done before leaving Mexico...and aside from some final tweaking with stash from home (little beads I didn't bring), I succeeded!

I still think that maroon flower needs its fifth petal. I'll add that at Point Bonita.
And a note to Esther...that white flower is to tie in with the black and white fans in the quilt's corners. You'll see!

Now off we go on our journey to the stop, Point Bonita!
(I think I am going to really love Januaries from now on....)

Adios, Condominio Pilar!


  1. The textures in your medallion are wonderful. You certainly got a lot done on your vacation.

    Enjoy the next leg of your travels. From Mexico to a stitcher's retreat--heavenly.

  2. Magnificent! It does indeed pop! And I've run out of adjectives. Safe traveling.

  3. I'm always in awe of your work as it's always so incredible.

  4. Another incredibly vibrant piece of work! Just gorgeous! Hugs, Cathy

  5. I'm looking forward to seeing how that white flower ties in. And I love how those beads really bring out the flowers. I'm always surprised how natural beads look on your work (or any well done work for that matter) like they were part of the fabric.

  6. I love this medaillon. I think it does have a little of Mexico in it.
    Full of energy and warmth.

  7. Beautiful work, Allie! I daresay, you picked a good time to be gone from WA. We woke up yesterday to snow again..... Enjoy Point Bonita, and be sure a soak up a good lot of that sunshine.

  8. Purty, purty! Now it's Party, party!

  9. So glad you added something into the upper left and right area's... it really completes it!
    Wonderful!!! You should be happy with your work!

  10. Your work is absolutely lovely! I have enjoyed browsing your blog!

    You have now been tagged for 6 Picture Meme... check out the details at my blog:

    Have fun!


  11. That fifth petal, do you mean the top flower, just above the blue one? I think it's such a wonderful medallion! Superb!

  12. Allie, I love seeing how your work progresses, you seem to be very methodical in your stitching. I wish I could be the same, my "designing" is more chaotic than anything else, causing great stress which seems the opposite of what stitching should be !! Perhaps that's why I'm not productive at the moment. I'm enjoying seeing your progress though, very much, VBG.

  13. Your medallion seems to pick up the "spirit" of Mexican textiles. It's beautiful. Thank you for also sharing with us your friends Mexican textiles, they are wonderful.

  14. So lovely! This looks like it was a labour of love! Have a delightful trip!

  15. This medallion is so very beautiful. I saved the picture on my screen-saver... one of many of your work, Allie! It has melded into the perfect blend of materials and techniques until it stands as it's own thing distinct from all of its separate parts.

    I forced myself to look at the parts, just to marvel at what you've done... One of my favorites is putting the beads in the lace around the edge of the medallion, which brought it into a wholeness with the center portion!

    Ooooooo-la-la!!! Robin A.

  16. Allie, I've been going through a portion of your blog today. I didn't want to spend the day writing comment after comment which you so deserve, so will just say here - your work is absolutely lovely. I look forward to visiting often. Maureen Greeson


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