
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Alliance CQ...Center Medallion Progress

Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you way down here.

One of my favorite parts of crazy quilting is That Moment when you start to feel a "critical mass" happening. All the stitching starts to coalesce into the effect you are hoping for.
Such is the case with my medallion center and I am tickled! (Not to mention, as always, relieved).

I've added that ribbon flower on the left, buttonhole stitched more of the leaves, satinstitched some white highlights on the daffodil in the center, tweaked the outline of the pink rose on the right, and put more work into the large petaled red flower in the center. (This flower might turn into an homage to the Oaxacan embroidery before it is done.)
This medallion needs to be loud and proud to stand out from the rest of the quilt!

We have three more glorious days here in San Carlos.
Yesterday was the highlight of the trip so far...we were out kayaking on the bay and found ourselves in the middle of a feeding frenzy of pelicans, gulls, other birds....and dolphins!

I took this is morning (yes, running along the beach in my jammies to get the shot) gives you an idea of what we were in the middle of yesterday, the dolphins leaping in the air and then gliding right under our boat , the pelicans dive-bombing, the water sparkling...oh, it was divine!

We journey home Wednesday, and I leave for Point Bonita Friday...the whole traveling thing will be a continuous blur. But I've just learned that Point Bonita will have WiFi for the very first time. Huzzah! I plan on donning my "cub reporter" hat and bringing you feature posts live from the scene.
And it is quite the scene...quilters' heaven.
Of course we say, "What happens in Point Bonita, stays in Point Bonita"...but I'll try and scoot around that edict!


  1. This piece reminds me of those black 'n white pictures where a spot or item is colorized. Beautiful effect.

  2. The medallion looks great! glad you have had so muc fun on your trip and I look forward to the blog retreat you are planning. :)

  3. Love that ribbon flower... great mix of colors!

  4. This is really coming to life!

    What a great experience with the birds and dolphins!

  5. It's looking good. I sensed some concern on your part in the last post.

    What wonderful travels you're having! Enjoy. I've always enjoyed the Point Bonita posts.

  6. Can't wait to hear about Point Bonita.. the Medallion is primo...

  7. I'm glad you explained what you did on the center medallion, because I clicked on the picture to enlarge yet still couldn't tell exactly what was your stitches and what was printed. I guess that's a good thing. Anyway, the whole thing looks wonderful and the medallion does stand out very well.

    Blow a kiss to the dolphins for me, will you? Thanks!

    Hugs, Robin

  8. Allie, your Alliance piece is such a beauty -- and I'm not the least surprised that you might work up some of the floral medallion as a tribute to the Oaxacan tradition!

    I was particularly delighted when I saw your post on your friend's condo; I've just returned from an all-too-short cruise around the Caribbean, collecting photos of florals and looking for artwork as I went. Alas, such a trip is very 'structured' when it comes to shopping; I shall have to find a condo to visit for a longer time in order to enjoy an adventure to markets that sell the sort of thing that you illustrated. My mouth was watering the whole time I was reading!

    Still, I am excited about the inspiration my floral shots will provide.

    Safe travel home and to Point Bonita!

  9. It's looking great - I can see it coming together. It gives the Broderie Perse some dimension, rather than jsut a flat applique.

    I've left an award for on my blog. Enjoy!

  10. I agree that your flowers are really starting to come together. That white flower with the black border still stands out a bit more than the rest of them to me.

    I love the seam treatments on the all black background. It looks really cool!

  11. very pretty piece Allie! Hope it's coming to PB. See you Friday, eh?


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