
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Felted Scarf Set for Esther

My son Max and his girlfriend Esther have already been and gone for their Christmas visit. Amazingly, they made it here to the Portland area and back to Seattle in the midst of this intense winter storm that's been ongoing. Those Greyhound bus drivers are fantastic.

I don't have many in-progress shots, but this is the present I made for Esther on the machine embellisher.

I purchased a lightweight polar fleece scarf, glove, and hat set.
First I felted little polka dots on it out of hand-dyed bamboo fiber. Then I went back and surrounded them all with this variegated rayon ribbon.
Felting on thin polar fleece is an absolute dream......

This was such a blast to do!

And she sure looks cute modeling them.

Now it is snowing hard again, so Chad, Robert, and I are hunkered down for a quiet and low key Christmas Eve and Day.........and here's some entertainment from our Jewish friends to help us celebrate Hanukkah as well....enjoy!

Wishing you all peace and joy, now and in the coming year.....


  1. CUTE! I love it, Allie! What a nice gift! and so... clever!

    I hope you have a very happy Christmas!

  2. I love the scarf and hat. The ribbon looks like it has a lot of sparkle.

  3. Hi Allie,
    Wishing you the warmest of fire-sides with love and happiness over this season and for 2009

    May your stars always be bright,
    and the winds of change never knock your baubles down!

  4. What a terrific idea. I have to pass this on to my daughter and I bet that she will be after me for a set. I wasn't sure if it would attach to the polar fleece. Must get some and try it out. Thanks for being our tester.

    Merry Christmas to you all.



  5. I really really love my scarf set. I love the colors! I've been wearing it all day (even inside)

  6. Love those polka-dots!

    Wishing you a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

  7. What a cute outfit!

    Blessings to you and yours for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. :-)

    Marg in Mirror, AB

  8. Esther will treasure and wear this for many years, I'm sure - it's wonderful! You are so clever.

  9. How cute! Merry Christmas, Allie.

  10. Great gift idea, but what is that machine

    thanks for answering me

  11. What a cool gift!!! Very nice! You are so talented.

    Loved the you-tube, what a riot. All that was needed was a little Klezmer music...

  12. This is the cutest!! God bless Esther AND your Embellisher!

  13. Just in time, and very fetching! Esther included.

  14. Cute scarf set and model! Hope you are enjoying the holidays.
    Love that video...

  15. The scarf is pretty. I love the rainbow colours:-)
    One day, maybe I'll try machine felting as well.. *envy*

  16. That is so fabulous!! I just posted a scarf set embellished with yo-yos, mind if I link to your blog too?


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