
Friday, December 26, 2008

Cottage CQ...Embroidering the Cottage 2

Is everyone still stuffed from Christmas treats?
I sure am!
There's one piece of baklava left......

We are still snowbound....

....including Chad, whose car you see here. But this fine 18 year old guy has been mellow hanging out on the hilltop with his parents for a whole week. Amazing!

There hasn't been much to do but eat and stitch and watch TV, and I have made some progress embroidering the cottage.

I've outlined the basic shapes on the cottage, minus the outer rooflines. They have to wait until the background tree embroidery is done. I've been working on that and if you click on the photo you can see it.
But my goodness it is b-o-r-i-n-g work.
I hadn't seen it up on the design wall in over a week, and wasn't sure if the embroidery on the house was working with the overall look.

There is some squaring up to do along the top edge (it will be covered by cording so that's not an issue)....but I was relieved to see all is coming together o.k.
Still I'm going to take a break and have my annual "go mad in the sewing room" week between Christmas and New Year's.

And....since I've managed to gain four pounds since the beginning of December.....

...our new weight bench looms as my immediate destiny.
My body builder son can't wait to make me suffer!!!!


  1. That snow! OMG, what a beautiful scene. I love snow.

    Those weights are too heavy for you. You need to start with 3 pounds. Maybe even 2. Srsly. (I'm an ex-bodybuilder.)

  2. Working up a sweat on that bench will cure your cold studio temperature!

    Glad you have the snow and not me!

  3. Beautiful snow photo. We're having 50 degree weather with strong Chinook winds eating up the remains of snow on the north side of the house. The view from your studio is fantastic! I enjoyed the Dreidle music, thanks for sharing. Your stitching around the screens on the porch looks
    Oh dear, more comment glitches.
    Granny Fran

  4. So nice to have Chad "stuck" with you. I love those times in my life when I got stuck someplace because of snow. There's nothing to do but enjoy the moment. God's at work there, Allie.

    The cottage outline looks like you used the sharpen filter in photoshop...really punches it up a bit and yes, it look lovely but I can only imagine that it IS boring.

    You and me both on the weight gain...and we're off to eat again at an old Fish market in downtown Baltimore...a yearly tradition.

    I'm jealous of your inspiring snow scene and your embroidery time. Looking forward to returning to the routine...

  5. "Coming together okay"--yes, indeed.

  6. Nice bench! Fitness is my other hobby. If you look closely at some of my photos, you'll see all the free weights, bench, etc. Those are all mine. My husband doesn't use them.

  7. The snow pic is gorgeous. Probably yucky if you have to be there, though. =) That outlining on the window screens makes it really look like our old screen windows.

  8. Beautiful scene!!! Allie, just sit and watch the outside for me, please!!!!
    Hey, you'll be needing other heavy weights after all those baklava slices!!!
    If you need more baklava let me know, I send you...It should be a secret between us, don't worry I won't tell anybody:))LOL
    Big hugs,

  9. I'm reallly enjoying watching this project pulling together! I FINALLY "see" what you are doing I think with the arched portion! TOOOO KEWL!!!! Thank you for sharing as you go along!

  10. Hi Mom I'm testing out a script on your blog ;)

  11. I found your blog when looking for weight bench pix. Please will you tell me the brand & model of the one shown here? I like it very much but haven't found what I want in the stores and don't really know what to ask for.


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