
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cottage CQ...Grasses

This has been fun.
I'm not finished with the grassy section yet but I've made good progress. I feel like I'm getting into the groove of combining landscape embroidery with crazy quilt stitching and it is melding the way I hoped it could.
I'll show details and then the overall view....

As usual, the larger stitches are in the foreground of the "picture plane"....

...and the finer stitching is "farther away", visually. Hopefully this helps to create the illusion of a depth of field.

This section is not quite done yet, but you get the idea.
I think it needs many more bullion seedheads.

I've enjoyed dipping into my stash of nature-colored threads, yarns, and ribbon so much.
There will be lots of tweaking of course but things are really flowing now for the first time since this project began....and it has me looking forward with much more confidence to the waves section.

Now I'm signing off until Sunday...
...and want to wish ALL of you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We are so blessed...!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Allie. I'm sure you will enjoy it.
    The embroidery is looking beautiful.

  2. This is really looking beautiful! I have been following your progress and when you first started this I though how strange to crazy quilt pictures. But the further along you have gotten the more I like it! I'm now thinking I need to do one of these myself! I will definitely be keeping up with how you are doing on this! Can't wait to see the finished product!
    Have a Blessed Thanksgiving,

  3. Oh, yes... the grasses are spot on, Allie. You are really starting to get a good depth of field on this piece.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    Also, I forgot the name of the folks who can turn Nat's drawing into a fabric image... can you give that to me again?? thanks!!!

  4. this is looking great. a bit cheeky of me to suggest - but what about some fly stitches as well as bullion seed heads on the not quite finished section?
    have a lovely holiday weekend

  5. How cool is that! The grasses are beautiful! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and then rush right back here with some more of your brilliantness!

  6. Love those twisty foreground grasses! Love the way this is coming! Wishing you a beautiful Thanksgiving!

  7. I love the texture of grasses in nature and I love how you are recreating that feel in your grass stitching. The bouillion heads on the grasses are fantabulous!
    Granny Fran

  8. Looking great, Allie. Have a fabulous Thanksgiving!

  9. It's looking wonderful. There's a lot of depth from your grasses to the house and I can imagine how exciting it is to work on a project that is turning out so well.

  10. The movement in your grasses is wonderful. I think I love them even more than the trees.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  11. Just stunning! Beautiful! I can't stand it! It's so gorgeous!!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving Allie!

  12. Hope your Thanks Giving is Wonderful! Just like your work!
    Enjoy your family!

  13. The grasses look fabulous! I just learned something new, again, from you about getting the depth, thanks.
    Hope you have had a wonderful Thaksgiving with your family and are full up with turkey, love, football and a sense of well being.


  14. oooh I love the grasses!! I can just imagine them between my toes.

    I hope you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.

  15. It's hard to tell where the embroidery ends and the real begins... you are so talented!!

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

    Hugs, Cat

  16. Following Barb C on the illusion of movement... you can almost see the breeze blowing through in that rippling way it rolls off the water. How cool!

  17. I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful, the stiching is amazing!

  18. I am having sooooo much fun following your progress on this...its absolutely gorgeous!!! i may have to do something similar with a photo of our log cabin...very inspirational!

    Hope you had a great holiday with family and friends!

  19. Hope your holiday was wonderful. Love your grasses! We've been to a couple of needlework shops in the last two days, and had such fun picking out some new threads to try, such as petite angora and a wool/acrylic blend. I bought one of each of those to try, as well as some favorites.


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