
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas Fan

Right before I left for California (back safe and sound last night) I pieced up a Christmas fan to work on while I was away.
I got absolutely nothing done on it, not one stitch! But I did have a wonderful Thanksgiving reunion with my DH's family.

After all my experimenting on the Cottage CQ, I've been feeling the need to do some traditional crazy quilting as a little mental relief. I have a collection of vintage CQ digital images to draw from, and I especially liked this fan.
So I think I'll whip this out before going back to the beach needs a little rest anyways.

When quilts tell you to give them a break, it is worth listening to them.....!


  1. It's good that you were having such a good time that you didn't have time for a stitch. I break like that is good once in a while!

  2. You and I seem to be on the same path lately!

  3. Now there's a sign of a great visit, no time to stitch! That fan looks very Christmasy, Allie.

  4. I am a great believer in letting projects rest and pursuing something that's at a more fun stage in the meantime. Small projects are especially a break from bigger ones.

    I'm glad you had a good trip and that you gave your fingers and your brain a break.

  5. Glad you had a good time... now get to stitching! ;0)

  6. I like your inspiration image...your "to go" package looks a lot like mine did...Mine didn't get much use either!

  7. Just a quick question, how do you sew the back of the fan-I invision it looking much like an envelope type and hand sew the bottom seam?


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