
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Altered Sweatshirt...Day 2

This project is taking me along for a ride!

To make some applique leaves, I felted some silk fibers on water-soluble stabilizer.

I laid out the leaves....

And then I sewed them down...on the right side so far.
All these squiggles and beads started showing up, though. For some reason this is hard to photograph, but if you click on the picture you should be able to see them better.

It just seems to me that the more squiggles and beads arrive at this point, the better. So all of a sudden this little $5 sweatshirt project is going to take up a lot more of my time than I thought it would. But I can't hold back now....


  1. Oh Allie, can I come over and play? Please.

    It all seems too nice for a sweatshirt though. Why not a nicer fabric or an old jacket?

  2. This looks like such fun! Of course there has to be squiggles and beads and probably flowers of some kind before your done... it wouldn't be an Allie Original if all those didn't show up!

  3. I must have been inspired by your creation as I have some embellishments in mind for a denim jacket. I have a Laura Murray flower stencil that has been sitting in the drawer for too long unused. I see a spray of senciled flowers along with some embroidery, yarns and beads.

  4. Isn't it always the case that these "simple" projects snowball into major works? Now that you're on a roll you can't stop until it's done. This is going to make a pretty jacket to show off your creativity.

  5. Hopefully this will go with some of your new to you clothes! Looks very Allie (but then why won't it?!)

  6. I know what you mean about not holding back once things get starting rolling. I like the direction this is heading!


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