
Monday, October 20, 2008

Altered Sweatshirt

In the new issue of CQMagOnline, which should be going live at the end of the week, my friend Binki Thalman has an article about how to prepare a standard crew neck sweatshirt for a cardigan!
I am in between projects so thought this would be a good time to give this a try...and also to play with my machine embellisher.

So here we have a size L Hanes womens' sweatshirt, which cost $5 at WalMart. A few of my potential feltable goodies are along side it.

A few hours later and I am at this point. The whispy wool and silk roving is felted into place, and will serve as the background for today's further experimenting....a perfect pastime for a rainy morning...


  1. I'm anxious to see how this comes out. I used to make jackets on sweatshirt bases when I was selling quilty clothing. They are extremely comfortable and practical, although yours looks to be more elegant and artistic than mine were.

  2. Unbeleivable change to the look of it already... can only imagine what you'll do to it ala' Allie Style. Love seeing your uses for roving.

  3. Okay, like WOW, I'm blown away already. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

  4. Maybe it's the trim, or 'just' the light...but in the 2nd photo, the shirt resembles velvet. I too am looking forward to the end product!

  5. I fell for the "what to do with a sweatshirt" craze last year. It was fun for the one shirt I did (reworked one of Wes's shirts) but not something I wanted to repeat. There are, however, lots of cute ideas and I am sure you will do a spiffy job with your remake.

  6. can't wait to see how it turns out.

  7. You've got a great start for a fun project!

  8. That embellisher is quite the companion; I might even put it in the "Life-changer" category for you. I have a Valentine's sweatshirt quilted jacket on my unfinished project pile...maybe this is the year for it to see the world?? (Warning: subliminal messages were contained within your post.)

  9. This is more fun than the embroidered denim work shirts!! You will be in high fashion in it.

  10. Well, you'll be finished long before I am! It's taking me five hours to embroider and bead EACH paisley. Will be eager to see how you finish this jacket. You're off to a beautiful start.

  11. Wow once again you do a great makeover. you're a real godess of makeovers.

  12. Like everyone else, I can't wait to see how this turns out. Great colors, too.


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