
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Spring CQ...Center Finished

It's been a marathon sewing session around here the last couple of days. My DH even ended up making dinner for us last night! (It was homemade borscht, with all ingredients from the garden. YUM.)
I just had to get this top done before leaving! And though it needs a little "housekeeping", it is for all intents and purposes finished.

I had the center laid out and sewn down Sunday, had nightmares Sunday night, woke up in a panic Monday, took everything off, and tried again...finding the key in some green, yellow, and orange trim that Pam Kellogg sent to me awhile back. (Thank you, Pam!!!) From then on it was sew, sew, sew.

The design process ended up being identical to the one I've used for all the floral mandalas I've made over the years...but in those I always used fresh flowers. This is the first time I used fiber ones!
I just let the design grow out from the center...

Here is an example of a floral mandala from several years ago.

And here is my center....

I had a bag of vintage millinery roses that I added to "Dove Roses" I had made. I think they combine quite well, enhancing each other. There are felted leaves, vintage millinery leaves, and those dianthus in their new incarnation.

Here is a detail shot.

And here is the overall quilt.....

That ring of green in the center formed by the leaves was what I needed and didn't have before.

This quilt will have a dark narrow border around it to contain the light values that run out to the edge in the blue sections...and I really have to fix the crooked bottom edge of the white center block....but I won't be getting to the actual finish work on this piece for awhile, so this is it for now...

I decided not to do a beach scene at Michillinda because, basically, I don't feel able to start a brand new piece "cold" while on the road. (I won't have my entire sewing room with me, you see.) So I will bring a UFO of some sort.....
But when I come home I'll be so full of the lake and sky that the beach scene will come then.

Thank you all for accompanying me on this saga of the Spring CQ! It would not have been nearly as much fun without you. XO


  1. Its breathtaking. I'm at a loss for words.

  2. This is incredible, Allie! I had to laugh about your CQ nightmare; I dream of CQ sometimes, but have never had a nightmare about it. Sure worked out well for you, though!

  3. I love the way your homemade roses and the millinary roses snuggle in together. I think being away from the quilt for awhile will give you a better handle on just what it needs to finish it off. Have you thought of adding a bit more color and emphasis to the edges of the center fabric piece? I sat and looked at the whole quilt for a bit and think maybe it needs something more there... but then, of course, it IS your quilt, and it IS your vision so you CAN tell me to take a long walk on a short pier if you want to! LOL!

    Have a wonderful time at the lake!

  4. After reading marty52's comment I do think that the white of the center is a little glaring, although I stand by my previous comment that the transition to the warm colors fees smooth. The ring of white around the flower mandala stands out to me, largely I think, because it is just white and that makes it the largest continuous patch of anything on your quilt. Perhaps if I could see the seam treatments better (photos can only do so much afterall) this wouldn't stand out to me so much. Having said that your rose mandala is regal! It reminds me of angel images that my mom had around the house when I was a little girl.

  5. I'm speechless! It is absolutely stunning. I only hope that it will be in a show somewhere where I might be able to see it.

  6. So gorgeous! It's lush and beautiful and the center is fittingly glorious! Lovely!

  7. Your quilt is absolutely drop-dead gorgeous!!! I have checked in daily, hoping to see what comes next. What a treat, to see the inspiration behind each step and the methods you used to accomplish them. I'm almost drawn to wanting to make a CQ myself...thank you for making it look so do-able and appealing!!!!

  8. I've been quietly following your progress and this is absolutely gorgeous. So much work and it turned out so beautifully.

  9. I've been watching your progress as well. It's absolutely amazing! :) Great job on this. Looking forward to your next project.

  10. I honestly thought those middle flowers were real and you were playing a, you couldn't get it finished in time, so you plopped in real flowers from the garden...Silly me, I should have realized that your flowers would look just like real ones! It's beautiful and congratulations...

  11. Beautiful, Allie! Have a FUN time!

  12. Thank you so much for sharing your design process with "us" It's fascinating to see it all come together!

    Your work is inspiring

  13. Hello,

    I can not belive
    what I see...

    Amazing !!!

    Au revoir ; )

  14. Each piece is prettier than the last. That center is lovely; the slightly elongated medallion is so graceful

  15. Very, very pretty! Now you can relax at the lake knowing that the lion's share of the work is done. It's been a marathon!

  16. Oh Allie I am beside myself with admiration and jealousy! This is fabulous -i can hardly wait to see how you handle a beach scene.

  17. There is absolutely nothing I can say about this piece that hasn't been already said by someone else. It is simply drop-dead gorgeous and I sooooo want to see it for real!!
    Have a fabulous time at the lake.

  18. Thank you for sharing the progress and your techniques. You are so talented and it has been wonderfully inspiring to follow along.

  19. Absolutely awesome!

    I have to agree that the green in the centre framing those incredible roses adds just the right balance...pulling the dark into the light ... but not too much.

    Be proud of yourself, girl! Ya done real good!

    Have fun at the beach!

  20. Absolutely beautiful. The ring of green in the center adds just the right emphasis and brings it all together.

  21. Oh Oh I was so excited when I saw how you used the orange/yellow and green trim that Pam sent you!

    Pam bought that trim from Baer's (my fabric store that I take everyone to that comes to Louisville - that is until the store went out of business a couple of weeks ago)when she was in town last year.

    I bought some also and still have some of it to use and now I wish I bought more when I had the chance. Isn't that always the way things go. Motto of my story shop, shop, shop and buy, buy, buy!

  22. Absolutely a visual feast! Thanks for allowing us to come along on the journey. Jan Myhre

  23. WOW!!!!
    It is absolutely beautiful!!
    And I have enjoyed every step, what a grat job (and JOY) on each post! How I've enjoyed it!
    I look forward to the next project.
    You are such an inspiration for us laymen.


  24. "we're not worthy, we're not worthy"

    Allie the mandala is perfect..and so you! Just beautiful. I can even forgive that slightly crooked bottom seam. LOL.
    I don't mind the "starkness" of the cream in the centre. It is the visual highlight of the quilt, and there is plenty of visual interest to draw the eye out into the mid 'ring' of the piece. What would work for me is tiny points of the the cream (lightness) in the dark green corners. Just pinpricks of (sun)light shining through a dense canopy, promising something special if you go and explore...

    You will do what is right (whatever that may be) Enjoy your break.

  25. bravo seester!!!!!!!!!! next year we'll all be together at the Lake!!!

  26. Exquisite work Allie. Thanks for your blow by blow account on how the flowers were made. You bring crazy quilting into a whole new realm.

  27. Its been a learning experience accompanying you on this journey, that's abeautiful crazy quilt.

  28. It is absolutely spectacular! I've enjoyed watching you make this cq, and I love the center, I think it all fits together beautifully!

  29. wow, beautiful, thanks for sharing.

  30. Glorious, glorious work! The whole thing just glows. You've really outdone yourself this time. Enjoy your well-deserved break.

  31. Allie's garden of Eden.A place to wander among the flowers and feel close to perfect contentment.

  32. Oh Allie it's SO beautiful and th center is so stunning. What a joy for the eye!!! Congratulations!!!

  33. Absolutely gorgeous !
    Thanks for sharing your progress.

  34. I have been watching this project from the beginning. I love the way you brought your own garden into the quilt. You are truly an amazing artist and thank you for sharing.

  35. My jaw dropped when the photos appeared on my screen. The Spring CQ is stunningly beautiful! Thanks for brightening another rainy day.

  36. Exceptionally marvelous! And I still see light coming out of darkness--enlightenment, in your work of art.

  37. Dear Allie,
    You are a CQ guru, indeed. This is another breath taking project. I wish I could have an opportunity to watch you, while you are working. I promise that I never disturb you!!!:))

  38. This is just so beautiful, I have watched it's progress in amazement. It would be wonderful to see in 'real life'

    Thanks for sharing.

  39. Allie, awhile back you should a picture of the white center and I was disappointed, I though oh white just won't go. I should have had faith. I thought you were just going to put a white center in the middle of all that gorgeous colour. Now I see the light. It's so incredibly beautiful, I could just dive in. Now I see why you were playing with roses.

  40. Ack! What is wrong with me, every time I post here I make a typo!

    It should say Allie, "awhile back you showed"...

    Geez, I must be dazzled by the beauty of your work. LOL

  41. Your quilt is glorious Allie, A master work of art. Truly lovely Judy

  42. WOW! Amazing, stunning, breathtaking! I sooo love this one Allie.

  43. Just like threadspider said, "Garden of Eden". The colors are wonderful and I like the white center graduating out to dark.
    It is beautiful!

  44. Oh's truely wonderful, magnificent, gorgeous, breath-taking!!I hope I get to see it in person sometime and get to goggle at all the fantastic details..I have really enjoyed following this piece being built..thank you SOOO much for posting progress shots so's truely inspiring watching you work!

  45. Allie, the quilt is jaw-droppingly beautiful. I'm just overwhelmed. I've scheduled a link to your blog to go live tomorrow morning (Central USA time). In fact, I'm pointing my readers back to the entire Spring CQ series. I know I'LL be referring back to it over and over. Thank you for this amazing look into your creative process.


  46. Stunning. Absolutely stunning. And thank you for sharing so much with us during its making. I have learnt a lot.

  47. I am at a loss for fresh superlatives. The center flowers are indeed the crowning glory. A tour de force!

  48. This is amazing! I thank you so much for sharing the process with us. I can't wait to see what you do next.

  49. G'day Allie,
    Congratulations on finishing this absolute masterpiece ... what a marathon effort - you are a inspiration on keeping focused. I love your Spring CQ - love the centre - love how it stands out from the rest of the quilt with the off white/cream background & am astounded with the balance & grading of colour out to the edge ... lovely lovely lovely & like I said before congratulations on a wonderful quilt. It has been a pleasure & a steep learning curve watching you make this quilt ...OOroo ... Bethel

  50. I too am out of suitable superlatives - it took my breath away, and brought tears to my eyes. It speaks! Perfect as it is. The trip should rest you and let fresh, new ideas occur.

  51. It's LOVELY! I gasped out loud when I read the title -- you work fast! Every inch of this quilt has been an inspiration. Your color sense is keen and i have gone back to earlier posts for "counsel." Thank you for sharing the process.

  52. Wow, that's all I can say. Wow. I *know* you are going to enter this beauty somewhere when the finishing is done.

  53. WOW . i'm speechless - and that doesn't normally happen to me ..

    just WOW!!!!

  54. WOW!!!!!
    Your creativity, patience, and dexterity sure pay off in the nearly finished quilt. I keep thinking you can't get any better, and you do.
    It's so great to be back to enjoying quilting vicariously, until the muse and energy return.
    Have a great time of re-creation at the beach.
    Oops, this is Granny Fran, blogger not recognizing me again, for whatever reason.

  55. Beautiful work! CQ is still in my thoughts as a "someday" project, thanks to talent like yours!

  56. I've enjoyed every minute of following your beautiful quilt's progress. It is magnificent - thank you for sharing its creation.

  57. Allie, this is masterful! I bow to you, oh goddess of the needle.

  58. Wow. So beautiful! What you've made is beyond gorgeous.

  59. Allie, your quilt is absolutely stunning. While watching it grow, I wondered how something that was so gorgeous in its individual parts would come together once complete, but of course you managed to create an heirloom masterpiece! Congratulations on your finished quilt. Can't wait to see what you do next.

  60. Wow!



    It's gorgeous, Allie!

  61. This is just beautiful! I've really enjoyed watching it grow and even though I knew it would turn out to be lovely, it still finished more beautiful than I could have imagined. Congratulations!


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