
Monday, August 4, 2008

Spring CQ...Center Block Seams

Thank you so much for your nice comments about the Dove Roses!
They were fun, weren't they?
My dear friend Judy, the most creative needlepointer I ever knew, wrote to me to express her concern about the possibility of my burning myself when melting my petal edges...
I surely wouldn't want ANY of you to get burned trying this out, either. Judy suggested using tweezers to hold the petals.

Like this. I think she is right, and I'll use this method from now on. Thanks, Judy!

Meanwhile, I added some more "heft" to the edging of my center block.

The addition of the colors and little blue loopies extending into the quilt from the center here help to integrate the center with the rest of the piece.
They make me feel better, at least.

Then I covered the seams of all the patches in the center block, so now I am ready to attach my roses, their leaves, and whatever else catches my fancy at the last minute.
With the top anyway. (I just have to cover the green arc seams.) (And then put the backing, binding, sleeve, label on, etc. But that's just labor, nothing too creative there.) (Except maybe the label.)

My goal was to have it done by the end of July, so I am not doing too badly.

I'll be leaving for my beloved Lake Michigan on Friday morning, and I want this quilt top to be histoire by then.
While I'm there I want to do a beach scene like Lisa's on Ivory Blush Roses.

It will be hard to be away from home for 10 whole days...
Hope Robert keeps my flowers watered!
(I know he will.)
A few of the cottages at Michillinda have WiFi now, so I am bringing my laptop and will post some pictures of the lake once I get there.
But first I have some roses to sew on....


  1. Hey, Allie, Lake Michigan is my old stomping ground, too! Have a wonderful time. Your quilt is going to be fabulous, a real prize!
    How'd you sew on those blue beads? It looks so cool!

  2. Hi Allie - have a fun trip. I loved the roses from yesterday too - this quilt is amazing. I thought the dianthus (?) flowers with the pink beads were pretty - Im sure you'll find another quilt for them - time consuming mistake, but not as stupid as mine!

  3. Allie,
    The roses are fantastic. And this quilt is just full of wonderful creative ideas that I hope to use myself soon. Thank you for sharing so much about each step.

  4. Hi Allie!
    Fellow TIF'er here, but I am loving your quilt! I am just blown away! I really hope you have some shows to enter it in! It truly is an amazing piece of art. I am eagerly waiting to see it finished! I just wish I lived closer and I could see it in person!
    Thanks for the great step by step... I am sure you have inspired many of us out here!

  5. Allie, this is just stunning.
    What I admire most about you is the fact that you start something...and then finish it!!! Can you send me some of that commitment in a bottle please...

  6. Looking forward to many photos from Michigan - and another quilt in progress. The center of this one is really looking pretty. As for the burns - you might just test a piece to make sure it's O.K. and not the naughty synthetic that burns so fast. Then you could hold it if you need more control.

  7. Well say hi to my brother Dave! Hope you have a great time. Your CQ is looking beautiful!

  8. This quilt just keeps getting more and more beautiful! I can't wait to see your seashore piece; I'm working on those colors now for a bathroom valance. BTW, is your goal to finish the end of July (time warp thing? LOL) or August?!?!? Even if it's August, wow, you'll be hustling! But you never cease to amaze us. Thanks for your continual inspiration! Hugs, Cathy

  9. Have a wonderful holiday at Lake Michigan. Ten days is a long time--we are gone 3 weeks and I want to be home more than I want to be in this motel room...

  10. The yellow inner border of your white center square really smooths out the transition from the warm colors to white. It all looks very integrated and lively.

  11. Such wonderful roses! You have made so many beautyful things, nice blog!

  12. Hello Allie, Your Spring CQ is truly beautiful. I hope the weather will be super while you are visiting the shores of Lake Michigan. Have a great trip. Judy

  13. I just love your quilt. Love the variety of stitches and the warm colors. It's amazing how much you get done in a day. I wish that would rub off on me.

  14. Ohh Allie, Thanks as always for sharing... you inspire so many of us on our CQ paths and journeys with your inspiration and endless creativity. Have an awesome time at your beautiful Michillinda!


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