
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Learning Opportunities

Word by now has gotten around the blogs about Sharon B's new challenge for next year, but I want to weigh in that I think she has a brilliant idea for how to keep stitchers pushing on their artistic and design development.
There's the link to her thorough description of what will be involved...but basically this is a monthly challenge where Sharon will present a key concept (shape, color, or maybe theme) and encourage stitchers to apply that to fabric, developing and pushing it towards a resolved design in a finished piece....whether a crazy quilt block, a page in a fabric book, whatever one wants using various techniques. As usual, Sharon has structured this challenge to be open-ended so that it can fit in well with the individual needs of the participants. Those who join in are encouraged to blog their progress weekly, sending links of their work to Sharon's comment section so that everyone will have an easy way to see how others are taking up this challenge.
All in all, it sounds really interesting...and even though I am such a one-tracked person when it comes to my projects, I am going to really try to break away and work on these challenges month to month.

Another opportunity to hone ones' crazy quilt and fiber arts skills is being presented by the Texas Federation of Fiber Artists. Their Dallas chapter is hosting their 2008 convention on February 1-3 at the Southfork Hotel in Richardson, Texas (a suburb of Dallas). Judith Baker Montano will be teaching two courses, and registration is open to the public, i.e. non-members of the federation. will get you to their home page to learn more about the convention and the organization putting it on. I've taken a few classes with Judith and she is marvelous!

And finally....this isn't about learning, this is just plain fun...a great UTube video my son sent to me that is so cute and sweet, a handsome hunk rapping about his little kitty. "The Mean Kitty Song"


  1. What a mean Kitty!! We had an identical cat back in the 1970's-we called it Monty-short for Monteczuma-as it was spotted like an ocelot.
    Sharon's challenge looks great. I really admire the way she facilitates these challenges. I'm hoping to be there.

  2. I won't make it to Dallas ;-(
    but I'll be with you in Sharon's challenge!
    The kitty is cute, and not only the kitty, if I may add.

  3. Thanks for posting the challenge. This sounds interesting. I like the open-endedness of it, and may join. Passed the kitty video on. Thanks for that too.

  4. OHMYGOSH, that kitty lives at our house...only she's a girl...

  5. I will send that link about the Richardson affair to the Fiber Arts guild here - as there are exactly two crazy quilters in Austin (member of this group) - they need to learn - and what an opportunity!! wish I could go.

  6. Thanks for spreading the word Allie I appreciate it

  7. Loved the video! Really brought a huge smile.

  8. I am not a big fan of kitties (I'm a dog person) but gotta love this! Thanks for sharing - tooooo funny.


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