
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Terrible, Beautiful Nature....Katrina Cloud Images

I don't know the name of the photographer who took these; my brother sent me these images and I just had to share them with you on this second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.

How can terror and beauty be so inextricably married? This is something I want to ask my Creator.....

Lastly, the above picture was taken from the third story balcony of Saint Stanislaus College located next door to Our Lady of the Gulf church in Bay Saint Louis, Mississippis, on the morning of August 29, 2005. This is believed to be the initial wave of Hurricane Katrina. The wave was approximately 35 to 40 feet high.
It almost looks like a mountain. The force behind it would have the same impact as one...

God bless our brothers and sisters of the South as they still recover from this.....


  1. Unbelievable pictures. How small we are in the face of this grandeur. I share your sentiment about the terrible beauty of the natural world and hope all those confronted by its excesses find some solace, wherever it is they look for and find their comfort.

  2. Oooh. Such unexpected beauty in this. Chills your soul.

  3. Amazing pictures - the beauty and the beast of nature.

  4. Such beauty having wrought such misery... gives me the shivers... thanks for these... they are stunningly beautiful.

  5. I am so glad I got to see these photos but I hope I never see anything like these in reality! There is no way we can control nature this awesome!

  6. I'm sorry -- but these photos aren't really of Katrina. See
    They are lovely pictures -- and I'm glad you have the last one in, since you do have a citation for it, but the other photos have nothing to do with Katrina. (Being from the South myself, though not Louisiana, I was struck by how unlike the South those pictures appeared.)


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