
Thursday, August 30, 2007

More Sequins

I am highly ambivelent about how this is progressing, mostly because at this point I prefer the side of the tote that has no sequins on it at all!
I think I will leave that side unadorned...but the sequined side I will just have to junk up further. I'll bring out some threads and see what kind of damage I can do with them...

I might just be creating a little monster here. But nothing ventured, nothing gained!

More threads, more threads!....


  1. Well that's a little monster I would willingly provide with a monster house! The sequin side can be the "show" side, and the plain side is the against the body side. I love the sequins. More!

  2. Beautiful!
    For what it's worth, I have a bag with sequins on one side - that's always the side that is worn 'out'...the sequins are too scratchy against my clothes and arm otherwise...and tooo beautiful to hide.

  3. I saw this lady at Michaels the other day with a fabulous purse covered with disc like stuff. I asked her if she had made it and she hadn't but she did say that the discs cut the threads on the purse and were a little sharp. Your sequins aren't anywhere near that magnitude but it made me think of it.

    I like what you are doing but I am so rough on purses that I stick with the basic kinds--no frills for me.

    I would think of this one as a Dress Up Purse!

  4. I like those sequins!!! Judith has it - it's the "show" side. For dress-up.

  5. I am going to go against the grain here and side with Allie in being ambivalent about the sequins. With the beautiful woven textures and heavier velvets, I would tend to lean towards natural wood or bone beads or # 8 seeds with a few larger focals to offset the weaving. Now that you are half way through the project, I agree about pulling some threads to give it a bit more character and dimension. I also think that Debra's comment has some merit. Just my two cents.
    I know whatever you turn your hand to Allie, you will make it work! Lx

  6. Allison, I love the glitter! As you know, I'm quite fond of anything sparkly. It's beautiful!

  7. WOW! It is beautifull. Fabulous! Very nice!

  8. I really love this - it's really beautiful. Great sequins! Wonderful textures. Superb!


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