
Thursday, August 2, 2007

Floral 9 Patch, as of 8.02.07

Before you go any further, do click over and see Debra Spincic's magnificent "Continue", if you haven't already. This piece is a tribute to her late son Will, using Day of the Dead iconography...she made it very quickly, which is hard to do in crazy quilting! I think her pedal-to-the-metal focus has yielded a truly spectacular work of art.

The Floral 9 Patch, however, is taking a long time and will continue to do so...! I have been tweaking the curves on it, adding little bits here and shaving off little bits there. I always end up doing this on my CQs, I guess. Thank goodness for applique and the seam treatments that cover its edges!

Here is an overall shot of things as they stand this morning...the lace is still pinned around the center medallion, but getting that sewn on is the next order of business.

It's funny...this is so utterly feminine that when I show it to men they completely bounce off it!


  1. So very nice... this is gonna look so great in your bathroom... are you still putting it in there?

    I think men have trouble with the detail, too. I think it kinda overloads their system or something!

  2. It might be feminine, but it is sophisticated too. My son-in-law is not a flower person, but he really likes your work - he sees the art in it. He's an architect who loves Frank Lloyd Wright, Aborigine art, and his mother-in-law. His reaction to your Crazy for Flowers surprised me - he loved it!!!

  3. It looks good in my house too...Hi,Hi,Hi!
    I love it and I can't wait to see what you add more!

  4. Your floral compostions look like flowers under glass. It must be those hankie prints that give it the ultra-fem feel.

  5. Thank you ever so much for the wonderful compliments on my newest piece. You are a sweetie!

    I think living in a house full of men causes us to overextend into the feminine side sometimes--rather subconsciously, I think, just as a way of saying, "Hey, I am a woman and I like the pretty, dainty stuff once in awhile!"

    I know once I have my "fix", I can return to life as usual! I do have very pink walls in my studio as a nod to the feminine, creative side I have!

    Wes's reaction would be, "You're not going to hang that in here (any where in the house), are you, honey, darling, sweetie? Are you?" said with a pleading voice *wink*.

  6. This is looking magnificent! It is feminine but it's strong too. Could there be a message in that.. ; )

  7. I like the way the whole piece has kind of a scalloped look to the edges. Nice effect!

  8. This is just totally jaw droppingly amazing! Ally, do you sell your printed flower initials?


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