
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Further Embellishment on the Floral 9 Patch

What with all the traveling, little projects, and flower pictures taking up my creative time, there hasn't been much of a chance to work on the Floral 9 Patch. So I am just getting back into it, trying desperately to keep it's overall composition in focus as I go completely around the bend with embellishment pattern and detail. Flowers make me do that!

Today I'll just show a few little areas...when I get to the next good stopping point overall I'll show the whole quilt....which may end up having a further border around it, too....

Here is the lower right corner block. Those bright blue flower beads would not be denied!

Stephanie sent me this wonderful blue leafy trim, which I added to the bottom center block. I actually committed to making all these bullions, and by the time I was halfway done, I had a good feel for them. (I am not enamored of making bullions, esp in stitcky cotton perle.) The added sparkely montees are maybe my favorite beady things in the world. I love montees!

Here is the same seam treatment repeated at the top of the quilt. That green polka dot ribbon is new.....

That ribbon now shows up in four different places on the quilt. It cracks me up.

The next step really is to get going on the center of the quilt, which is requiring lots of thought before taking the plunge...

....and thanks for your encouragement re the crazy quilt kits. There is so much work yet to be done before they go up for sale, but I wanted to share my thinking.....


  1. That green polka dot ribbon is wonderful! A bit of whimsy to coax the eye around a bit to different places.

  2. So lovely-it just sings of summer. The blue trim is delightful.

  3. What beautiful work! I love the idea of your pre-packaged kits for crazy quilting. What a fantastic way to introduce others to your passion!

  4. I can't believe you did all those bullions! I guess you would be getting good at it by the time you did two pieces of that lace! This whole thing is really an amazing use of ribbons and lace. I can hardly wait to see the whole thing at once. =)

  5. Yummers... I love the way you pull all of the colors, shapes, forms and textures together into one cohesive unit when you are done. Cool.

  6. Wowzers. I love the colors in this piece. I could get lost in it for days. What a splendid treat for the eyeballs.

    I love montees, too.

  7. What a lovely, lovely piece. The colors just jump out. Your seam treatments are so very pretty. The lace is some of the prettiest I've ever seen.


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