
Sunday, July 8, 2007

Sunday Morning Flowers

It's still the season of purples and pinks...the hot reds and oranges will come in a few weeks...

It sure smelled good gathering these this morning! With my favorite Portland radio station KINK playing acoustic music (Leo Kotke, a lifelong favorite, on at the moment)...well, it sounds good too. They have a live acoustic stream......

A happy and blessed Sunday, everybody!


  1. And the blessings and joy of the garden to you too. Lovely flowers this morning.

  2. Pretty, pretty, pretty. I just want to bury my face in those lovely flowers.

  3. This lot of flowers is the most prettiest lot I have seen - your garden must be pure magic Allison!!!

  4. How beautiful. Thanks for the Sunday smile!

  5. I just cannot believe your flowers look this good! You and Robert have all green thumbs.

  6. Alle, it is always a pleasure to come for a visit and catch up on your blog posts. I just love the piece you are working on for the bathroom. Very clever to have that oval in the center, and radiate out. Very nice. I really enjoy the fact that your blog is a learning experience. I just bought a bunch of brocades so I can take a little dip into the crazy quilting world.


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