
Saturday, July 7, 2007

Pat Winter's Comfort Doll Project

In her June 23, 2007 post on her blog, Gatherings, my friend Pat Winter initiated a wonderful service project. Her idea was for stitchers to create "comfort dolls" to be given out to abused women who have taken refuge in shelters, to reach out to them and bring them a little ray of love and support. She has all the information for this project on her blog, so do consider participating!
I just finished my very first doll. Right away as I began working on her I gained a new appreciation for the fine work of the soft doll makers out there...Stephanie Novatski sure comes to mind. I couldn't even get the arms turned on my doll...and look here how Stephanie has made individual fingers on the hands of her Hoffman Challenge doll! Amazing.
I ended up adding the lower arms on separately, which worked o.k. And I used beads for those hands...

This doll is about 6" tall.
I'll be delivering her in person to Pat, as I am stopping by her home in Indiana on my way from Chicago (where I'm flying into from Portland) to Michigan next week. I am so excited to be able to spend time with this dear friend!!! To actually sit in her studio, swing on her porch swing, stroll through her garden, and most importantly, to walk her favorite beach on Lake Michigan with her...what a rare treat!!!


  1. Allie, that is precious. And what a wonderful cause.

  2. What a beautiful thing Pat is doing - I just looked at her blog. What a comfort that will be to women in that position (I have been there) to know there are others to understand and help them be strong and feel comforted and loved.

  3. She is truly lovely! Hope you and Pat have a great visit!

  4. I think I'll make a doll too. I like dollmaking and rarely have an opportunity. I also like the idea of comforting another woman. Thanks for giving us the Heads Up!

  5. Allie, your doll is wonderful. Thankyou for contributing to this project.
    There is a flickr group set up to showcase the dolls made, you can join, or alternatively, may I post the pic for you?

  6. thank you Allison for your answer and so I could see your beautiful doll!

  7. Gorgeous Allie! Very beautiful. I have an idea for a cat doll. Maybe I can get some sewing time in this week.

  8. That's a lovely doll! I used to make dolls long ago, and have thought of returning to it. But as you say, it's difficult to do well.

    Have a wonderful trip, Allie.

  9. Allie, I love your doll and can't wait to see it. I am so excited over your visit. I hope it cools down, but if not there is the pool and air conditioned studio! Thank you for the doll donation. It will bring someone great delight I'm sure.

  10. She's beautiful, Allie. I love the blue streamers and beads around her arms.

  11. What a beautiful doll; wonderful hair. She should be a great comfort to some woman.


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