
Monday, June 25, 2007

One Last Set of Jump Start Fabric Packs

My husband suggested I make up a few more packs for my upcoming lecture tomorrow, just in case there are a lot of ladies there and there is a bigger demand than I've would be disappointing if there weren't enough for everyone who wants one.
I am thinking of these almost like party favors!
Anyway, I made a set of 8 more, all alike to save time. Whatever does not sell will eventually go on a website that is in the mulling over stage...stay tuned...

That floral is a vintage Waverly home decorator fabric that I snagged off Ebay several years ago. Fortunately I bought a big enough chunk to spare some!


  1. I like my husband's recent suggestion better---"Would $300 cash be enough for the quilt show?" as he hands me 3 crisp $100 bills! "and you can always use the credit card for backup"

    "Sure, honey, whatever you say!" *wink*

  2. What fun little starter packs -- may they sell well!

  3. Good thinking Debra!! Those packs are gorgeous. You will have no trouble "getting rid" of them, I'm sure. Have a wonderful time - I know your audience will.

  4. That's a great fabric, but I keep being tempted by the one under it. =) I'm sure you will have great success selling those - or did have great success - that was today wasn't it? I sent my 'nother check off today.

  5. Good luck! They are pretty, and ought to inspire people.

  6. Hmmmmm. Looking at this again - I might practice a bit of "creative avoidance" again today and try to do that flower lace trim in needlepoint. Now there's a challenge.


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