
Monday, June 25, 2007

Fabric Line by Judith Baker Montano

Robert Kaufman has produced a new fabric line designed by Judith Baker Montano...all crazy quilters know who she is...the one who really got the crazy quilt revival rolling with her fine books, myriad classes, and unique style. I studied with her early on in my CQ career, and it was a great experience.
And what do you know, her fabric designs evoke stitches and lace, although they are printed on cotton. Check them out....what do you think of them? Some I definitely like, some I am not so sure about.....


  1. Oooo.., I like them. But you know what? I like the fabrics you design yourself better!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have seen the big illustration picture somewhere before. The others are way to drab - too muted after looking at your glorious florals. The flowers you grew, photographed, and printed out are so much more exciting!!. These things don't move me to want to do crazy quilts. But then I am such the color addict!

  4. I really like the peacock feather ones, especially the lightest one. The others, I don't think I'll use. But if I saw them in person, I might change my mind.

  5. I'm with Susan, I like the peacock feathers but that's it. The other ones just don't it for me. I love Judith's books and I like to look at the pictures but for the most part, I don't care for her style of CQ. It seems kind of gaudy to me. Of course, I'm sure there are people out there who would the say the same about mine with all the sparkly beads & sequins that I use!

  6. Tag You're it! I am tagging you to post seven random facts about yourself on your blog, and then tag seven other people. Have fun – or ignore it – your choice!

  7. I like a couple of them, but they seem rather dark and muddy, at least on the monitor. In person it may be a whole 'nother story. I'll have to watch for them in person.

  8. I am sure I can live without them until they go on sale!

  9. Well, I clicked over to look them and have to admit to being slightly excited to see what she came up with. I don't know what I was expecting, but what I saw wasn't it. Maybe in person (or on sale) I might change my mind.....


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