
Friday, February 16, 2007

TAST Feather Stitch

Sharon Boggon has given us the feather stitch for this week's Take A Stitch Tuesday challenge.
While I am thoroughly loving seeing my fellow stitchers apply the challenge to crazy quilt seam treatments, among other explorations, for myself I am focusing all year on applying the weekly stitches to landscape embellishment.
So we are back in the trees this week, focusing on their limbs. I so enjoyed trying various fibers, lengths and densities of the stitch...I even wrapped and threaded through the basic feather stitch in a few places. The process of exploring one stitch like this is so exciting, because you don't know where it will lead you next!


  1. Very nice! Your use of these stitches is so creative.

  2. Clever!

    Do you know anything about broderie perse?

  3. It is sóóó surprising what comes in your mind every week :)

  4. Wow! Your work is so beautiful. It's so interesting to see where you take things. I so enjoy your blog and missed you when you were down.

  5. Oh my goodness, I thought it was a real photograph! The texture is amazing!

  6. You are an inspiration too us! How lovely!

  7. Wow, this is lovely. Wish I had time to do more than simply read Sharon's blog.


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