
Thursday, January 19, 2017

Road to California Exhibit is Up!

I had such a great crew to help me hang the quilts, enough space too. Thank you, Road to California!
Here are some photos of the exhibit, in case you can't be there.  ;-)

All of the book project quilts are here, plus the Gallery quilts, and a few that I have made since the book's completion.
I am so proud of Allie Aller's Stained Glass Quilts Reimagined: Fresh Techniques and Design! You can order it on Amazon; it will be released next month!
....and I'll be teaching from the book next year at Road to California, so stay tuned..... ;-)

And here is a lovely 2 minute video of the quilts made by Mary Kay Davis of The Quilt Show.  Yes, I'll be taping about stained glass quilts with them next month in Denver!

Thank you, Mary Kay and TQS!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Allie Aller's Stained Glass Quilts Reimagined: Fresh Techniques and Design. The New Book Quilts Are on Display at Road to California Jan 18-22, 2017

I am so thrilled that my new book will be released soon.  Click on the peacock cover at your right and it will take you to Amazon to pre-order!

All the quilts from the book will be on display in a special Exhibit at Road to California this week.  It is such a great opportunity for me to debut my work in such a fine venue.

I've made the three quilts below since the book was finished.  These will be on display at Road too.

This is a couch quilt in progress.  The "leading" between the patches is multi-colored, not what you might expect in a stained glass quilt.

A free form collage creates a more contemporary stained glass quilt look.

This detail from a more traditional stained glass quilt shows how effective using silk as "the glass" can be.  My next post will be on the creation of this quilt, "Garden in My Window".

Meanwhile if you are at Road to California this week, stop by my exhibit!