
Monday, September 19, 2016

Free Viewing for my Quilt Show Episode from Sept 19 through Oct 1st!

Here is the link for my show, where you can view it online for free this week:

On the show there are three segments: the first is an introduction where I am talking about a few of my quilts, but then the next two segments are about how I build the blocks and embellish "Idaho Sugar".  It's a great video tutorial, so I invite you to have a look!

 Here is the overall--it is 68" X 68"....

 ...Here is a detail.....

 ...and here is the back!  I used corduroy for the backing fabric, very cozy and textural.
So come see me on TV with Alex and Ricky! 


  1. I just watched your show.....loved ALL your quilts and design choices! Especially the one demo'd on the show using vintage linens. I have so many of those from family and am always on the look out for wonderful ways to use them. Also loved your combo stitches of hand/machine/painting and beading. Have never heard of painting the stitches or thought of that either. Your pieces are wonderful and I loved the story telling part of them as well. I like to do that too. Thanks again for sharing!

  2. Beautiful quilt! I love the colours and embellishment!

  3. I logged in to The Quilt Show, but all I can get is the trailer, not the show.....:(

  4. try this link!

  5. Beautiful - all you showed on interesting how you meld traditional with "crazy"...loving the final effect. I'm inspired, now, to give it a try and jazz up my own traditional piecing. Hope for similar results. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I just watched you on TQS. Seeing your early crazy quilts was very nostaligic because I watched your make them on your blog back in the day!!! It was nice to learn you have 'reconnected' with your family cabin in Michigan. You are so talented and creative and I'm happy that the quilting world is being made aware. You Go Girl!!!!

  7. I just finished watching your TQS show and am so inspired. Loving your techniques and intricate stitching. On my way to order your book. I was in Michigan, my home state, last week. Too early for season change but it was so beautiful

  8. Allie.... the show turned out soooo great! Your Famous!!!! Lol... love all the techniques I learned just from the show. You were awesome! You didn't seem nervous at all. So proud of you!
    Thanks so much for sharing... now I need to watch it again... taking notes.
    Hugs Jean


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