
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Quilting the New Classics by Michele Muska

What a great book!

Quilting the new Classics by Michele Muska  is absolutely packed with information and fresh inspiration for all quilters. Ten traditional quilt patterns, such as Yo-Yo's, Bear's Paw, and Crazy Quilts are featured in both classic and modern presentations, complete with instructions for each of the 20 quilts, by 20 different working designers. Therefore, this book is a great introduction to quilting as well as a tremendous new resource for the seasoned quilter.

Michele's philosophy on creativity that fed the concept and execution of this book is worth noting:  In all her artwork she strongly believes in working in the moment, and quilting is no different. She enjoys the process of creating as much as the end result. That is what Michele believes her new book "Quilting the new classics" will do for her readers. Her hope is for readers to take liberties in the creative process once they learn the basics. It is also why she gave the designers in her book free reign to design a quilt based on the pattern they were given.

I was honored indeed to be asked to contribute to the Crazy Quilting Section, being given the task of creating a "modern" crazy quilt.  And I surely took some liberties!

Now, then, how did I do that?

Crazy quilts are by nature over-the-top, busy concoctions of stitching, fabrics, and embellishments, all in a somewhat random design.  Not what I think of as "Modern" at all.  To me, a modern CQ would have to bestripped down to what I perceive is the essence of the genre: random piecing, some seam embroidery, a mix of fabrics. Nothing extra, just a bold and graphic take on the pure form of crazy quilting.

So that is what I tried to do, and I loved every second of my quilt's creation.

There is a brand new construction technique that Michele's free rein allowed me to explore.

Full instructions are in the book!

And it is the same from all the designers: beautiful traditional renditions of time honored quilt patterns are juxtaposed with their modern, liberated interpretations.   (Valerie Bothell created the traditional crazy quilt in her exquisite Victorian manner.)

Plus.....the book's design itself is absolutely gorgeous. You will get so much value for your purchase.

I will be hosting a give-away of one copy of this marvelous book, drawing one name from the comments to this post exactly one week from today.  So you will have until Sunday night, November 9th to enter.  Please make sure I have a way to reach you!

Other stops on the Blog Tour for this book are below.  You'll be able to see how others have contributed and what their process was like.

21--Leslie Tucker Jenison
22- Jannken Smucker
23--Valerie Bothell
24--Kaari (French General) :
25--Elisa Sims Albury :
27--Victoria Findlay Wolfe
30-Pat Sloan

2--Kristin Omdahl
FG, IG Newsletters:
22-- Marie Bostwick

Thank you, Michele, for this awesome opportunity to create something new, which for me was very exciting.  I know readers will find so many great ideas in this book's pages.


  1. I love your contribution to the book, and I'm anxious to read about the new technique you employed. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the book!

  2. I love traditional quilts, but I am always liking new approaches. Hoping to get this book!

  3. Hi Allie,
    This is a beautiful the vibrant colors...and I love the way the multiple squares are put in here...I am showing this to my students so they understand that as they learn to crazy quilt a square, there could be a full quilt developed!!!
    BJ Sandusky

  4. Love the glimpse of this quilt and would like the book for instructions. May have to buy it if I don't win.

  5. so glad the trend for CQ continues whether traditional or modern look -saw you beautiful quilt in Houston - thanks for a chance to win the book

  6. What a wonderful new book looking forward to seeing all the quilts in this book.

  7. I love the way the old and new styles meet - and why not? The peek of your quilt makes me smile - love the vibrancy of the colors and the simplistic way the blocks are put together.

  8. I am always interested to see some other people's interpretations of traditional blocks. This book is a wonderful showcase of ideas from what I have seen. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

  9. I like your unique version of a crazy quilt. I might give it a try someday. I'd love to win the book, thanks for a chance.

  10. It's looking fabulous! Thanks for a chance!

  11. Thanks for the giveaway, love your approach to crazy quilting

  12. I love a new twist on the traditional - great book!

  13. Your crazy quilt looks so fresh and modern. I love the colors in it, breezy and bright. Could we have a hint of the new technique!?!? VermontPines at aol dot com

  14. Love all the pictures & sharing the Contributors & Quilters are sharing...definitely have added this book to my "Gotta Have!! List"lol

  15. The picture that appears on this post and in Michele Muska's book, Quilting the New Classics, is truly a beauty. Just a teaser for sure, but I know that eventually we will get to see the whole quilt. I so look forward to that time.
    Allie, you are such an inspiration. You never cease to amaze us all.
    Thank you for all you do.
    Traders of the Lost Art 1

  16. I think this book would be a great addition to my quilting library!

  17. I love your quilt - it is so bright and cheerful and makes me smile. I'd love to give it a try as I have 3 huge totes full of scraps that I'm trying to use up. And I love cq so it would be a perfect blend.

  18. Thanks for helping to keep the
    tradition of crazy quilting alive,
    in this new spin on my favorite
    type of quilting.

    Pat S. from Lebanon

  19. This looks a great book - I'd love to win a copy!

  20. Your quilt is lovely. Would love to learn a new technique. Thanks for the opportunity. Jane in MO

  21. I love the new crazy quilt concept. Anxious to try it out!

  22. What fun, Allie! I'm so curious about your new technique. I've never seen a "modern" crazy quilt before and it does seem to be unexplored territory for contemporary quilters -- but perfect, really, because of the opportunity to "break the rules" of traditional quilting. If you think about it, crazy quilting is really the forerunner of a lot of what is considered "modern" in quiltmaking today: improvisational piecing, surface embellishment, combining different textures and fabrics other than cotton, etc.

  23. Crazy quilts are such fun, but boy, are they a lot of work to make! I love the modern version. And would love to win the book!

  24. I would love to win a copy! Great idea. Your quilt is lovely.

  25. There is definitely lots of value in this book. A keeper for sure.

  26. Love your modern take, plus the colors. And the rest of the quilts on the cover are gorgeous, too. I'd love to try my hand at them!

  27. Your modern crazy quilt is beautiful. It is not so busy, so you can take time to enjoy each block. I never thought of breaking up a crazy quilt with sashing. Great job!

  28. I can't wait to see this book. Sounds wonderful.

  29. Allie, thanks so much for this giveaway. I've been doing crazy quilting for a long time and there is always room for new ideas.

  30. I am having a wonderful time exploring the different blogs. WOW - such talent, and I absolutely love your crazy quilt. I love adding a modern twist to the traditional patterns.
    I. Want. This. Book!! : )

  31. This looks like a really great book! I hope I win the copy, but if I don't I'll buy it anyway! Looking forward to seeing your work "up close" Allie! (

  32. I have not made a crazy quilt before but I'd like to try!

  33. A beautiful interpretation of crazy in the modern style. This book is on my Xmas Wish List.

  34. I love the combination of old and new ways of looking at quilts. Yours is terrific.

  35. This looks like a book I absolutely "need". I've added it to my Christmas wishlist!

  36. Your modern crazy quilt is amazing - I've never been fond of traditional crazy quilts but yours is just what I've been doing lately - bits and pieces sewn together AND I am inspired with your embellishments. Would love to win the book. Thank you Allie!!

  37. I love your crazy quilt! Such great colors. The book itself looks like a must-have.

  38. I also love your quilt - beautifully done! Thanks for the opportunity to win the book!

  39. I love love your crazy quilt! That's now on my ever growing "to-do list" :)

  40. This looks like a great book and fun addition to my library.

  41. This looks like a great book, thanks for the chance to win!

  42. Love the concept for this book- can't wait to check it out. A crazy quilt is on my quilting bucket list! Thanks for the chance to win! Sarah: crjandsbj(at)netzero(dot)com

  43. This book looks fantastic. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

  44. I'm really looking forward to seeing this book! Thank you for the chance to win.

  45. While I haven't committed the time to a full-on crazy quilt (and all that pretty embroidery) yet, it's definitely something I still dream about. Maybe some day. But it's good to be reminded there are effective and quicker versions to make. Yours is lovely. I'd love to see the whole book. Thanks for the chance and congrats on your part in it.

  46. Love your interpretations. Beautiful quilt~

  47. Book looks very interesting. Thank you for opportunity to win it on your blog. Enjoyed looking around the blog too
    Thank you

  48. Thank you for the opportunity to win this book. I like that there is room for quilting along with the crazy quilt technique

  49. Hi Allie, thank you for all you do for us! I would love to have a copy of this book. I use your Crazy Quilting book every day!! I am currently making my own version of "Waltie" that I will call "Benson".

    Nicky in Waldport

  50. Bought this at Quilters Take Manhattan directly from Michelle and she autographed it!!

  51. What a neat take on the Crazy quilt idea!

  52. I would love to win a copy of this lovely book. Email:

  53. What a great idea for a book! I would love, love, love to win this book! Thank you for the opportunity!


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