
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Twenty Years in the Garden...Tomatoes, Marigolds, and Corn

The beds are all planted!

Tomatoes are good companions to marigolds; we always grow them together.

But before planting, the posts have to go in.

Getting those vines going....

Can't forget the marigolds!

A few French knots on the French marigolds, of course...

The tomatoes were made the same way the squash leaves were: silk that that had its edges burned in a candle flame.  This time I used tweezers to hold those tiny tomatoes, though.

Now for the corn....To get the leaves shaped the way I wanted, I ended up using a second needle with fine thread to help fold the wide flat leaf over, like corn leaves do...

Like this...

Worked pretty well!

After I got it done and showed Robert, he said that the corn was too short and looked stunted.  Indeed!
So I added some height and of course he was right!

So here it is, just starting to tassle.  ;-)

Now I just need to do the finish work, backing and binding the quilt, so I will go do that and post a final picture when it is all done.
Thanks for following along!

The guidelines for the "Twenty" contest benefiting the Quilt Alliance are here.  Do enter!


  1. Hi Allie, it's margi, I was in your needle punch class @ the Victorian Stitchery Retreat and wanted you to know that your Northwestern Garden is coming along nicely. It is so pretty! Hopefully the next few days will bring sunshine to the great northwest, enjoy it while you can!

  2. Doing all these veggies and flowers has to make you want to get out in the real garden! Spring is drawing near...
    I sure am looking forward to seeing the finished work. I really enjoy your landscape and cottage pieces.

  3. Beautiful work as always, Allie, and a pest free garden to boot.


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