
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Twenty Years in the Garden....Progress

Ohhhhh it has been fun!

The mid-ground area is about completed.  I brought the number of sunflowers up to twenty (people were counting them!)  Then I finished the hydrangeas, zinnias, and marigolds, and some tall grass.  Remodeled the little yellow house a bit too, but it needs more work...

About those grasses...

I love this ribbon by my friend Vicki Day.
But it was too poofy for how far back in the composition it is, so I just lightly stitched over it with clear thread and I think it worked.  ;-)

See, there it has been flattened, but not too much.

I've shown this to a few people and every single one of them counted the sunflowers, so now there are 20 of them.

We always leave them to go to seed for the birds in fall.  Doesn't take them long to eat everything!

The middle border has the annuals I always sneak into Robert's vegetable patch...

This year will be no different!

I gave the house a little more detail work, but it's not done yet.

But for now, it is time to decide which crops to plant.
Just like in real life!

**Remember, this quilt is for the "Twenty" contest to benefit the Quilt Alliancce.  You have plenty of time to create your entry! Guidelines are here.**


  1. Beautiful! Could you post your process? Love your work.

  2. I always love following your progress on these. This one is wonderful - as usual!

  3. Repeating what Gretchen and Sande said, please do post your progress. Its going to be beautiful.


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