
Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Happy New Year, my friends!

It has been difficult not to blog here as freely as I used to...but when our book is done this coming May, I know Val and I will both be so glad to re-enter our blogging circle of fellow stitchers again with our works in progress...Unfortunately, I have to wait to blog what I'm doing for a months more.....

I will say we have had so much fun creating together, and truly look forward to offering our ideas and efforts to you all!

So for the moment, I just want to say.....

7" X 9"
by Allison Aller, 2013


  1. Happy New Year, Ms. Allie... congrats on book #2!!

  2. It's no worries. We'll all be here for your coming out party! Happy New Year and glad to hear the book is going well!

  3. Happy New year to you too.
    I guess we are both in the same general area. I live in Toledo, just outside of Newport. Experiencing the same weather conditions as you. You must be close by.
    I am a newby to quilting but Crazy quilting is my true passion. That is where I want to go after I finish this first quilt. Can't believe I started with a queen size quilt and I am hand quilting the whole thing. I love your blog and will be back often. I see some familiar faces here, Linda Cartwright, and a few other. Looking forward to your book.

  4. i am so happy to find out you are publishing another book. I just got your last book as a Christmas present (used, of course, but in very good shape), and love it, love it, love it. Now I've got to put needle to fabric (not unlike action to words, like I tell the teens I try to mentor). Hugs, Lois

  5. And I'll bet it's just as wonderful as the last one! Happy New Year, Allie!

  6. You know, I'm having Allie's-In-Stitches Withdrawal symptoms. It just forced me to take your first book OFF my Amazon Wish List, and put it INTO my shopping cart. I'm looking forward to the next one, too!


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