
Monday, November 5, 2012

Loving Teaching!

When I started blogging about my quilt life in 2005, I never could have predicted it would lead to the opportunity to travel and share my love for stitching with others.  But over the last few years, that has happened, and each time I "go out" to meet new students in a classroom, I enjoy it all the more.

I leave for the Victorian Stitchery Retreat in Wichita, Kansas tomorrow, teaching alongside two of my heroes in the fiber world, Judith Montano and Candace Kling.  My dear friend Val Bothell is hosting this event and some old friends will be attending--I'm sure I'll make some new ones too!  I feel very lucky.

Four classes in four days!  Preparing for them has been a labor of love...

The kits for "Frame it With Flowers" are ready to go...

I made a couple new samples for my "Crazy Hearts" class.

I added quilting to this one as an experiment.  Very fun...

The "Wee Farmscape" class will cover a lot of techniques so I expect my ladies to work extra hard...

This concept can definitely be expanded to more elaborate work.  I've done 3 other ones since this sample last winter, one of which was my quilt for the Quilt Alliance's contest, "Home is Where the Quilt Is".

"Washougal Valley View" was purchased by my friend Victoria Findlay Wolfe.  That was great!

The last class I'll be teaching is about making punchneedle ribbon flowers.  You all know how much I love making 3 dimensional flowers...  ;-)

It is going to be a busy and creative week in wonderful Wichita.

I'll report back when I get home...meanwhile, thanks for stopping by....


  1. Oh Allie, your stitched pieces are amazing as always! Wish I could teach there too. And yes, I adore Judith Montano and her work! Would love to meet her.

    Hope you have a wonderful time! I'll be thinking of you and all the fun you're having!

    Hugs, Pam

  2. Oh what wonderful classes... I wish I was there... Teaching is so much fun and you are superb at it.. Gerry K.

  3. Oh and I have my big punch needle which I bought because you wrote about it and have never used it... I REALLY need that class... Gerry again

  4. Wish I could go! I was so disappointed when the April retreat in Connecticut was cancelled.

  5. That ribbon flower is gorgeous. What does "punch needle" mean?

  6. It's been a long while since I've stopped by, Allie, and you are busy as ever with beautiful projects that you are sharing with stitchers. By now you are home from your latest teaching and likely recovering. Love the pieces...especially the heart with the FM quilting (really changes how you embellish, doesn't it?) and the "Home is Where the Quilt Is" pieces. Best wishes for continued joyous success!

  7. Love that Washougal valley view quilt!!!


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