
Monday, November 12, 2012

Author Photoshoot...with Val and Me!

After spending all last week together, Val and I just can't hold it back any longer:

****We are writing a book together for C & T Publishing!!!!!****

We've been working on it together since last January, and are having an absolutely lovely time collaborating.

Val came to visit me here in Washougal last summer when we actually got to sew together for several days.

Our styles of working are pretty different, which makes the exchanges between us so rich.  She is so neat and calm and executes her work flawlessly, while I am wild and out of the box.

She realized this when I dumped out all of my silk stash on the floor of my living room so we could pull some fabrics for our projects.

Val loves to swim, but swimming in silk was a first for her!

We've had such fun working long distance together....but of course it was wonderful to reunite in Wichita last week and we got a lot done in person.  I can't wait until you all can see what we are up to!  But it will be awhile....our manuscript is due next May, and the book won't be out until May 2014!  That is soooo long to wait....

We knew that last week was our one chance to have our photo taken together, as we won't see each other again before next May.  So we asked our fellow C & T author, Judith Baker Montano, to take our author photo for us.  Judith is a very fine photographer, and she graciously agreed to help us out.  The fact that she has been a huge influence on both of us in our work made it even more special.

Well, getting one woman to be happy with a portrait of herself is hard enough, but two of us?  It took three different sessions over three days, but Judith was so kind and funny with us, (saying outrageous things to make us laugh) not to mention being very experienced (telling me, "For God's sake, put on some LIPSTICK, honey!"), that she finally got one we both love.

Val and Judith are looking at some of our 400 shots....yes, it took that many!

Here is Judith trying to get my frizzy hair a little bit under control.

We had some funny outtakes...

Nope, I was giggling and the light wasn't right...

Oops, there's a plant growing out of my head!

On the last morning, Judith got it.

 We are thrilled with Judith's portrait and each feel very, very lucky to be traveling on this wonderful crazy quilt journey together.  We can't wait to take you with us!

To read Val's take on this, click on over here:


  1. Oh no, a teaser post. And we have to wait HOW LONG to find out more? But that final photo is superb. Eager to hear more.

  2. Congratulations! I had a feeling something was going on behind the scenes.

  3. I hoped it would be a new book when you blogged about a secret project.

  4. Oh, it's good to know that I'm not alone in making a huge mess when I'm piecing new blocks. I have fabric spread out from one of my house to the other. Kind of funny for someone who's usually so neat when it comes to housekeeping but when it comes to creating, I'm quite messy!

    So glad to hear that you're doing another book! And this with a co-author! How cool!

    Love & hugs,

  5. can't wait for the new book, but when do we get to find out more about it and please don't say May 204 ;)

  6. Congratulations! That last photo is a great one for your book.

  7. hehe! YAY!!!! Two Fabulous quilters, doing a Fabulous Book! What could be better? Wahoo!

  8. What a fabulous picture and what fun to work with Judith!!!!

  9. Wonderful photo!! And to be photographed by Judith too!! All the stars are aligning, dear Allie. What a joy. Did you coordinate the little lace shells you are both wearing too? ;)

  10. I've found your blog today and just had to share how the picture of Val "swimming in the silk" brung a smile to my face. It captured that blissful feeling I experience of becoming so emmersed in the colors, prints and textures of fabric! I too, live in Washington, north of Seattle and find being soaked in textiles a preference over rain!


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