
Monday, January 23, 2012

My Exhibit at Road to Californa 2012

I was honored to be asked to show my crazy quilts at Road to California last week, and glad to give CQs some exposure in the sane quilt world!

 I had some very great volunteers helping me hang the quilts.

I couldn't have done it without them!

When everything was ready, it looked like this:

This was the "spring" side...quilts made when things are growing and blooming around here.
And in the fall, my palette shifts over to this:

This has happened for the last 10 years, which is the amount of time this body of work represents, more or less.

It was really fun to secretly watch people taking in the exhibit.

 I enjoyed being "backstage" at the show, too, helping a friend of a friend set up her vendor booth.

She asked me to sort her threads for sale into colors.  Now what could be more fun than that?

And then she paid me in threads, over lunch!  That card is of the Lei Challenge she and her friends in Hawaii participated in...yes, those are long narrow quilts.

My brother and sister each braved the Southern California traffic to come out to Ontario and show support.

Thanks, Matt and Mary!
Oh!  And I have been invited to teach there next year, so stay tuned for more information in the coming months....


  1. These photographs and your quilts are absolutely glorious, Allie. You are so gifted and you looked as if you were having such a good time! Great photos and great quilts. I wish I could have been there in person, but this was a great second-best.

  2. I wish the Ontario, could be our Ontario Canada. Would love to see you come here and teach sometime.

  3. Allie - this looks like it was just up your alley (LOL!) I can't even imagine the fun you had much less the excitement of seeing everyone checking out your beautiful CQ! Maybe I should plan my trip out to CA next year to visit my grandbabies at the same time the show is held. Congratulations!

  4. Oh my dear Girl!! I must have really been under a rock! To have ALL of your quilts on display...your own show, if you will...though I know you will protest that comment but it is true! I'm a hoopin' and hollerin' for you! How I would have loved to have come and sat on the floor in the middle of them all and taken it all in...just like in the museum...time to ponder and muse and to see the progression from one to another. Your quilts are so joyful and so expertly wrought. I am very very glad that your brother and Mary were able to make it. It makes it even more special. A big warm huge contratulations of a hug to you, my friend. You deserve it. I just wish I could have been there. Now I'm off to "click to enlarge" and see what else I can see...and wonder...

    where will Allie venture next?? It's been a joy to be your travel companion.

  5. OK. I'm back to yap some more. I never thought of you having a spring and fall palette but it's true when you see them all together. Did you realize it before you saw them all hung? I wonder what else you learned about yourself having them all hung together like that...and then to see all the responses of the quilt-crazy...

    I see that the one lady was taking a picture of Crazy for Flowers...that's my personal seen up close and personal because of all that amazing handwork. And the plexiglass kept people back a bit? Wonderful again Allie. *sigh*

  6. Allie, I've always been in awe of your work! You're the girl with the "fearless use of color"! LOL!!!

    Love seeing these photos.

  7. Such an honor to be asked to show and teach at "Road to California"....and so deserved by you!!!

  8. allie, I'm dying to see a closer picture of those lei quilts, is there anywhere else we could see them on the internet?

  9. Congrats Allie ! It must have been a delight for you to see ten years of your work all hung together in one place. Such a feeling of satisfaction!
    Wonderful that your sis and bro were able to be there to support you too!
    I'm very happy for your success.

  10. Congratulations on the wonderful display of you work!! Wish I could see it up close and personal!!

  11. Congrats! How exciting to be recognized and honored for all the lovely work that you do!

  12. That is wonderful Allie. I think I have been watching your work over the 10 years and have seen it grow into something fantastic - not that it always wasn't.

    Glad your family could make it.



  13. Congratulations Allie on a well-deserved recognition! I must be a proud moment for you.

    Thank you so much for posting the details of Gerlind's quilt. It's a real inspiration--much like your work.

  14. I loved the exhibit. Did Carolyn Reese talk to you about her Mother and her passion for doing CQ? I really loved your new quilt. It actually makes me feel like I would like to wrap it around me like an old time quilt. Very cool! Jeanne Bird, my Friend, told me how she met you. Small World! Great job Allie!

    Kerri Murphy

  15. Ladies, I am so flattered by your very kind comments. I am happy you like my quilt. The cat in courtly clothes is my Prince Igor, whom I miss terribly. I've put many, many hours of work into this quilt and loved every minute of it. It's just too bad we crazy quilters get so little attention at quilt shows. I've enjoyed your display, Allie, natcherly! Couldn't get enough of them. Your work is absolutely fabulous. Thanks again.

    Gerlinde (Geri) Hruzek


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