
Friday, November 18, 2011

Sewing Table Retrofit

Fall has definitely progressed while I was away.....I had wonderful travels, and have more ahead of me over the next 2 weeks...but for now I am back in the saddle here at home in the sewing room and loving it.

Before I begin quilting all of the quilts for Mark's family, I just had to finish up the curved piecing sample I started in class in Wichita.  I loved the fabrics and colors and couldn't tear myself away from them.

I am really enjoying this collage applique style of crazy block construction.  It is so totally right brain and free form.
And it doesn't take long.

This measures 18"X 22".
Some detail shots.....

Apparently some of my vintage blocks and fabrics are finding their way into the mix these days.

And I am very glad to see them!

But now it is time to get those quilts for Mark's family completed.  I knew that I needed the best possible surface for quilting these, but I don't have a recessed sewing machine table.  What to do?
I found my answer on Squidoo.  My humble and heartfelt thanks go out to Alaskan quilter Marguerita McManus, who has some YouTubes up about how to make a foam core sewing table.  This is such a brilliant solution!!!!

With the foam core and heavy vinyl sheet over it, I have a large flat slippery surface flush with my needle on the old Juki.

Admittedly it is not the most elegant solution, but it works great and was very inexpensive!

And so it begins.....a long quilting journey over the five quilts.  Mark, Lee, Manny, Don, Madison and Ashley will keep me good company along the way....


  1. I read somewhere about your bandanna quilt winning an award? Time to spill the beans!

  2. Hey yeah!! Did the bandana quilt win?? do tell...

    And, I just LOVE LOVE LOVE the craziness of your curved piecing. Did I say I love it?

    And...I also love the ingenious quilitng table solution...ingenious....Now you just need to make sure your chair is the right height. Since I've never quilted a thing in my life, I'll be curious to see how it goes...

    xoxo Susan

    And congratulations on whatever win it was if they mystery rumor is true!

  3. O.K. now.... you busy girl... what will you smart quilters think of next! So neat that it is so inexpensive and easy to access... I will have to remember that.
    Good luck on your 5 (or was that 6?) quilts... or is one of the names one of your 4 legged friends? Just wondering....
    My heart goes out to the family your making them for! They will be sooo appreciated I'm sure.

  4. What a great solution! That should make your quilting project much easier. Are you having the same wind/rains that we are? You are right...winter's on its way.

  5. What a great solution to making a quilting table! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

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