
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Reward for My Missing Quilt

The cover of my current CQ book, Allie Aller's Crazy Quilting went missing after Quilt Market in Salt Lake City in May. The quilt is "Crazy in the Garden", the working title of which was "Spring CQ" (that is how it is tagged here on my blog.)  All my old time readers remember this quilt, I am sure.  ;-)

Allie Aller's cover quilt Crazy in the Garden from the book Allie Aller's Crazy Quilting

Here is the link to the press release from C&T Publishing Company.  They are offering a reward for my missing quilt, as well as the other three authors' quilts that were lost.  Keep your eye out for them, ok?  Thanks....
And DO get your quilt appraised before you send it off into the world.

The quilt was found and returned to me.  YAY!!!!


  1. Oh, Allie... such a bummer! I truly hope it just got mislaid but I read CTPub's blurb on facebook and it looks like it is nowhere to be found. I can't imagine how you must feel... that's a big part of yourself there. I'm glad you are in Michillanda (sp?) where it is calm and peaceful, it will help sooth your soul.

  2. Just am seeing your blog for the first time. Your quilt is beautiful. I truly hope that some how it will find it's way home.


  3. Oh Allie, this is terrible news. I am so sorry. I know how special this quilt is. Sending thoughts to the Universe that it be returned soon!

  4. I got the C&T email yesterday and literally felt your anguish. I've had a couple of quilts "go missing" for a couple of days during shipping, and know how that made me feel. But 3 months? I pray that your quilt (and the others) will be returned...and SOON!!!

  5. I am so sorry for your loss! Seriously, Your quilt is a gorgeous labor of love and uniquely one of a kind. I hope you get it returned to you. Best of luck!

  6. I hadn't realize that it had been missing that long. I'm not only sorry for your loss but the quilt itself is being robbed of a fantastic future of winning awards, being displayed to thousands and to becoming a legend and inspiration in the quilt world... We are all sending hugs and wishes.. Gerry K.

  7. how horrible, that quilt is so incredibly beautiful. I hope it is returned to you... how tragic!

  8. That is awful! I am so sorry. What I don't understand is how someone could feel good about stealing something someone made. I used to do silversmithing years ago and someone stole a braclet from a set I made that was in a display and it was devastating to me at the time. I hope you find it.

    Kerri Murphy

  9. Oh Allie, I'm so sorry to hear your beautiful quilt is missing. It is such a beauty and we loved watching yo create it. I can imagine what a terrible loss it is. Praying it turns up soon.

  10. This is sickening (literally) and absolutely unbelievable. Who did C&T have pack up the quilts - their employees or show organizers? Can’t they trace possession back to the responsible party? Where are the checks and double checks to prevent this type of thing? Does C&T know the chain of custody on the quilts and where the potential for theft lies? What about the delivery company? These quilts are literally worth thousands of dollars - what kinds of precautions would they be taking if it was their own cold hard cash they were entrusting to others? You can be there would be some rigid procedures and checklists. There would be accountability for everyone in the chain of custody. Your masterpiece(s) - speaking to all the lost quilt owners - deserve no less.

    I hope they (C&T and the show organizers) are not just leaving it at “the quilts were never packed and sent” stage. Hopefully there is law enforcement investigation before they rush to write them off with insurance settlements....

    So sorry for your loss. I hope it is just temporary, and that your quilt will find its way home to you. Soon.

    Love & hugs,

  11. Allie, my heart goes out to you as well as my prayers. I am going to maintain a positive force that you WILL get your quilt returned. Chin up. Positive thoughts.

  12. I'm so sorry to hear about this Allie - and the other quilts that are missing too. I've posted about it on my blog and hopefully if enough of us get the word out they will be returned.

  13. I received an email from
    C&T about the missing quilts. I am so sorry to hear yours was taken Allie. It is so beautiful and I know you put your heart into everything you make so this loss is very personal. I do hope the quilts are found and returned to their creators soon. How could this happen???

  14. Allie... sending you (((HUGS))) and good vibes that your quilt is found! People can be so cruel!!

  15. I'm so sorry this happened to you, Allie. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

  16. I was so sorry to hear about the 4 stolen quilts, especially yours! I do hope it's found soon. I know you will get compensated for the loss but it's just hard to make financial compensations really replace something that has so much of you wrapped up in it.

  17. This is awful. What more words are there to write? I am so very sorry.
    Phyl Jones

  18. Allie, I was so sad to read your post. I can't imagine how you must feel and your quilt was my inspiration to start crazy quilting. I hope and pray it gets returned to you.

  19. So Sorry, re the appraisal, surely you can get some post appraisal for insurance etc as your quilt is so well documented with photos during construction to the professional photography that was done for your book?

  20. I am so sorry-I reposted you blog post onto my blog...maybe if we get the info/photo out there someone will recognize it. Good luck!

  21. Hi Allie

    I wanted to find an email for your to say I'm so sad that your quilt has gone missing but your blog was all I could find. Mine has gone too along with yours and I feel very sad about it but when I see the beauty of your cover quilt I can imagine how sad you feel too. So my very best wishes to you and let's hope they find our quilts... I still have a feeling they might turn up! Debby Kemball

  22. You have got to be kidding. I know you're not. This sort of thing has been going on for years now and you'd think there would be a better system in place for protecting the quilts. I know I have a hard time sending my stuff off for shows, not because of the materials put into it but my time and my artistic soul. I hope they find your work and the work of others soon!

  23. Oh Allie! I'm so sorry to read this! My stomach is just tied in a knot right now, so I can only imagine how the news affected you! Of course, you'd be gracious too I'm sure...but, I agree with Cathy K. Seems that C&T were somewhat careless to have this happen. Especially to multiple quilts!

  24. Allie
    I am so sorry for the loss of such a beauitful and meaningful quilt. I can't imagine what someone would do with it/them...

  25. What a terrible turn of events! I hope your quilt is found.

  26. Allie, I was so sad to read that your beautiful quilt is missing.
    I sure hope it will be found soon, thinking of you, hugs from Holland,

  27. I too am seeing your blog for the first time and I felt sick as I read about the loss of your quilt. When I was at college studying architecture I handed in a couple of my final assignments which were then displayed in the library along with the work of other students. Three of my pieces were stole... uh, that is disappeared. So I can well and truly empathise.

    The other thing I would like to ask you about is the use of fusible knit interfacing on cq blocks which everyone seems to be talking about. Can you point me in the right direction for help with this please?

    I do hope your quilt finds its way back home.


  28. Gosh, Allie, I was so sorry to read about your beautiful missing quilt. Let's hope these folks get their act together and find it as well as the other ones!

  29. What dreadful news. I hope it will be recovered

  30. I hope the quilt is found very soon. All the work, time and thought that went into that beautiful creation.

  31. OMG-that is horrible! I am so sorry for your loss-I hope it turns up and no one really took something that special from you!

  32. Oh, this is so terrible news. I hope it is lost somewhere and it'll be found very soon. It is such a fantastic work. I was following it step after step. I cross my fingers.

  33. Awe that is really terrible, its so priceless forsure. Just love your work and thanks for sharing pictures with me. Will be following your blog if you dont mind? I have started a crazy quilt not because of quilting but want to do all that delicious embroidery on it. hehehehe


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