
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"Rainy Spring".....Block Progress

This quilt is definitely about the weather.  I'm trying to abstract the colors out of the landscape into my piecing.

You can see we get some great lighting at the end of the day, so I wanted to work those yellows in too.

And some gold as well.  The blue blocks had silver touches.

Here's a corner block.
The whole quilt so far looks like this:

Lots of green piecing is in my future, but I am already dreaming of adding the flowers.....


  1. Allie, the green is absolutely electrifying -- I can feel the charge in the air as the weather shifts dramatically. I can also see that we'll just get the smallest glimpse of the sky amidst all that weather. I really think you've nailed the vibrance of the green when the sky is really is spectacular and you've captured it. Whereforever did you find all of that vibrant green silk? I think you must have had an old secret Aunt from the Emerald City that you haven't told us about....

  2. Love those mottled, marbled and graduated color fabrics you are including in the mix! Really wonderful! Just joyful to look at!

  3. I haven't been in blogland for awhile and am sure glad this was one of my first stops, that is just beautiful. I love the greens, you have painted a picture with those fabrics. Can't wait to see the progress.
    Patricia Rose-A Potpourri

  4. Love the way you have captured the golden light, Allie. When we walk in the evening, it's magical the way everything gets dipped in gold. Can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve!

  5. The tinge of yellow is so pretty and definitely looks like the sun is coming through. Can't wait for the flowers to bloom.

  6. oh Alley how beautiful!
    you capture the colors of "while it rains"so wonderfully!
    and after our sunny weather tease over the weekend it looks like we get plenty of inspiration this week!
    your friend "east of OZ"

  7. Hi Allie

    I really like the greens you have used. They blend into each other so well. It is like the greens in my garden. Ranging from dark to light yellow green.

    This will be another beauty.



  8. The blue to green transition is especially beautiful. I can see the relationship to your landscape photos. How nice to have the colors rooted in the season and the environment.


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