
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Live with Mark Lipinski Today!

The phone rings, I pick it up with my usual somewhat hesitant "Hello?" and a major blast of energy comes barreling through the earpiece!
"Is this Allie???? It's your Secret Boyfriend!!!"
None other than Mark Lipinski is on the line, inviting me to be on his radio show, Creative Mojo, on Wednesday, April 20th...that is today! My scheduled show time is at 4:30 p.m. EST and I will have ten whirlwind minutes to talk with this most enthusiastic of Quilt Personalities... It will be 1:30 p.m. here on the West Coast.
Anything can happen with Mark! is the link:
Hope you tune in!

It was fun! Mark asked really great questions and listened equally well too.
Here is a link to the podcast from today's show...the entire show was part is close to the end.



  1. Oh how exciting!! Let’s see.... that will be 2:30 Mountain time.... and I have a staff meeting at 2:00 on the farm. Will it be recorded?!? Congratulations!!! Hugs, Cathy

  2. Yes, they will make a podcast out of it soon after the show.
    Wish me luck!

  3. What a ball! He was the emcee at a fashion show I was in last year and he was quite a character. Have fun!

  4. Oh how fun! Mark is wonderful. By the way, I just received your book in the mail and love it! Haven't been able to put it down. Nice job! xo, Karen

  5. Cool beans, Allie! I'm gonna try and listen in.

  6. COOL! I'm so glad I can be there!

    ALCQ education committee says tey want you up here! Can you come Feb. 2012?

  7. Fun! Wouldn't you know I didn't read your post till today? I'll have to do the podcast.....

  8. Oh, it was so great to hear your voice after all our emails over the years. Wish they had spent more time with you, because you are a gold mine of information and ideas and funny too. My goodness, you have had your share of celebrity this spring!!! I am hoping to be in Washington this summer and will try to make a visit. We'll talk later. Loved the pictures on Cathy K's blog about your trip to NYC. What fun.



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