
Monday, March 21, 2011

Jill's Quilt...The Pink Bandana Challenge

I don't know her, but I love her. She is Susan Elliott's friend Jill, whom you can read about here. Jill is undergoing treatment for breast cancer and she is my inspiration for the quilt I am making for the Cherish: Pink Bandana Quilt Challenge. (There is information for you to enter it too, here and here.)

I started this quilt for the demo at Fabric Depot last Friday, but thoughts of Jill, her courage, and her refusal to give up her happiness in the face of breast cancer totally inspired me all week-end as I roughed out the blocks and design for my quilt.

The quilt will measure 45" X 54". The blocks at the moment are all roughly 6 1/2" square.

And my sewing room looks like a tornado hit it!

We're all among friends here so I'm not too embarrassed....!

Here are a few close ups of the naked blocks...

I used the Go! cutter for the hearts, which made them very easy.

And I used one of Simplicity's little square rulers to lay out trim in those squares within the blocks.

Those flowers are from the Schmalberg's. (More about them in a couple of weeks.)

This is early days of course and there is a lot of tweaking to do in the composition, etc. The blocks will each get their due attention over the next few months...but the impulse was strong to do this NOW and I am glad it is ready for its next phase of development.
But for the present, there is some cleaning up to do.... ;-)


  1. Pretty and pink! And I love the sewing room view too. Wouldn't it be dull to clean up as you go?

  2. OH Allie!!! How you have touched her and she doesn't even know it yet!! I can't wait to fill you in on the rest of her story which I will do privately.

    This quilt is absolutely beautiful in every way possible. What a gift today to stop by here. I'm off to tell Jill!

  3. Love the quilt and that's what my sewing room looks like when I'm sewing too!

  4. That's what my house looks like... Ger

  5. i knew it would be awesome...cant wait to see how it looks with dressed up seams :)

  6. Hi Allie

    This is going to beanother wonder. Looks great already and you say you still have things to do.
    Will it be embellished also?

    I have read about Jill in Susan's blog and what a spirit.



  7. This quilt looks so happy.

  8. This is going to be such a joyous quilt! Love the colors!
    Love the artistic chaos in your studio!!!


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