
Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'm on Creative Talk Radio Feb 28th!

Pat Sloan's "Creative Talk Radio" is an internet radio show where she interviews all kinds of quilters and people in the industry...and tomorrow she will talk with me!

Our 15 minute conversation will happen Monday (that's tomorrow) at 4 p.m. Eastern--which of course is 1 p.m. here on the West Coast.
If you post a comment on her blog post for tomorrow, you are in the drawing to win a free copy of my book too! She will pick the winner on Friday.

Look at this nice graphic she made on her radio talkshow page on her website.

Debra, everyone loves those hummingbirds!

It will be fun to talk about crazy quilting: my favorite subject! Maybe we'll entice a few sane quilters to try it out...


  1. Hello Allie,

    Congratulaion on the interview. Well deserved. You are certainly a "Master In Stitching and Creating Beautiful CQ"! Your CQ book is truly wonderful and beautiful.. I have already learned a couple of new techniques from your book. Thanks for writing such a lovely and formative book.
    Hugs Judy

  2. ummm, are you sure of the time? Pat's site says 4pm EST which would be 1pm west coast time? One of you must have it backwards??

  3. Thank you Linda! *blush*
    I corrected it!

  4. Way to go I will be working and will miss it to bad, it would have been fun.

  5. Dang, I'll have to catch it later, I'll be at work! Aghk!

    I love the book. I have already taken it to the Quilt Zone, & showed it to Diana Bradley. She wrote down all the info on it, & said she would order several copies for the shop to sell.It really is a beautifully done & well written book! Congratulations, & thanks again for including me!What nice things you said!

  6. Good luck! you're gonna knock it out of the park!! I'll try to listen but that's the after school bewitching hour!

  7. Good luck with the interview. I can't wait to meet you in Wichita. Gita

  8. Wow, very impressive, Allie. This is my first time visiting your site. I'll be back!
    Thanks for sharing,

  9. Allie you did wonderful on Pat's radio show....very informative, congratulations!

  10. Thanks so much for your comments with Pat. I learned alot and will be saving every little bit a something for my crazy quilt!

  11. I've been seeing your book on a lot of sites. Would love to win a copy. Thanks.

  12. Just listened to you on Pat's show, congratulations on being on. It has been awhile since I have been on CQI, so it was really a treat to see you on the show.

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