
Sunday, February 20, 2011

"Alliances: Soil and Sky"....Embellishment Progress

Lots of work has gone into this Alliance quilt project this week-end, as you can see:

Plants have come up in the soil, the carrots are in place, and the flowers, birds, and butterflies have all joined in.
The next phase is to fill in that sky.....

I've been thinking and thinking for a week, trying to decide which quotation to embroider there. I'm feeling the need for some text on my quilts these days and that sky is like a blank page.
I finally found what I was looking for, too!
It is long and will require small letters that will take up a lot of the space. I think I will use fine white thread so the whole thing could almost read as a cloud, but when you look closely you'll be able to read it.
It's a bit risky so wish me luck!

There is also the matter of how to handle the edges of the quilt.

I have an idea for that too, which I sure hope works.....

Meanwhile, my good friend Michele Muska is working on her Alliance quilt as well. Here is what she has so far....

I am loving what she is doing with all that hand-dyed Hanah silk ribbon, velvet, and cording!

Also, I just want to say thanks again to everyone who has sent me sweet and kind letters about my book, which finally got released this past week. It means a lot to me to hear from you!
And now I can finally say, that is what I was doing during the summer and fall of 2009...when you thought all I was up to was making flowers for my Vintage CQ!

If any of you feel moved to, it would be so helpful if you could post a little review up on Amazon on my book's page. There is a button to the right of the my picture that says, "Create your own review", and it is pretty simple.
Thanks again!


  1. Hi Allie

    I read Willa's post where she said she had received your book so I went online to Amazon and ordered it. there was another one I wanted but I was waiting for yours so I could get the free shipping.

    Can't wait for it to get here.



  2. Your piece is coming along great. It's so fascinating to follow you in your work. I learn a lot.
    Your book is on my wish list. My birthday is coming up.

  3. It's looking really luxuriant - a truly fruitful garden!

  4. I LOVE the quote- cloud idea!! the carrots look wonderful!!! I ahve got to get my hands on your book!!

  5. I love the idea of a word cloud. This piece has a wonderful vitality.

  6. I just ordered your book and I am SO excited! Can't wait to read it and re-read it and then read it again in case there was one small detail I missed!

  7. You are so creative. When I grow up (I am 57) I want to be like you.
    I got your new book last week and have read it cover to cover as well as spent time dreaming about possibilities. Thank you for taking the time to put this together.
    Keep on stitchin'!

  8. I put my review on Amazon Canada.

  9. I love the sunflowers Allie! So bright and cheerful. As always, your fearless use of color is phenomenal!

  10. Wow, it's really coming along. I'd say blooming, but it's a vegetable garden!

  11. I'm going to post a review as soon as I get well enough to think. I want to do justice to your wonderful book.

  12. Congratulations on your book!
    I'm heading over to Amazon now!

    Sandie xx


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