
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Emily Cier's Quilt Remix

This book is a joy, a lively take on quilting, fresh for today.
Quilt Remix–Spin Traditional Favorites into 10 Fresh Projects by Emily Cier.

It has 10 projects that feature traditional quilt patterns with a surprising contemporary twist,
using basic piecing and appliqué techniques and organized into beginner, intermediate, and advanced sections.

There is just something about how Emily has grown her own aesthetic from the rich fertile ground of traditional quilting that appeals to me greatly. I think these projects will appeal to the younger sewers out there especially, who want to make quilting their own. Though Emily never intended to join the "Modern" quilting movement, (and there are whole guilds devoted to it now) she allowed as to how her work fits in with that genre of quilting.

I asked her about that.

aa: What is the "Modern Quilting" movement, and do you consider yourself a part of it?

ec: What is the Modern Quilting movement... I think that depends on who you ask.

A lot of the common answers I've seen are:

a) improvisational quilting

b) traditional quilt patterns using modern fabrics

c) modern patterns

d) more art-type applique quilts
e) quilters talking/collaborating over the internet

I've always been one to make whatever I like and just hope other people like it. I never do anything just because it's the fun thing to do that week according to someone else. I do think I am part of it (now that someone gave it a name!) and would fall into the (c) category using my list.

The colors in the book are clear and cheerful:

And the directions are sharp and totally accurate. I can vouch for this from personal experience, as the Technical Editor for this book, Sandy Peterson, is the same fine pro who was my Technical Editor as well. As a former engineer, Sandy has the perfect mindset and skillset for making sure all measurements and construction instructions are perfect. For a quilt like the one above, that is a good thing.

But it was the quilt below that well and truly grabbed me, for its ease of construction and bright modern look.

You could follow the exact cutting guidelines in the book, or you could totally improvise with the strip sewing, cutting out your basic shapes to fit the pattern afterward.
This makes it ideal for the young sewer. There is a log cabin project in the book that would suit the beginner as well.
But once the new quilter gets this quilt done, she will want to make the more difficult ones.

As you can see, I have a stake in this!

My niece, Qwen, got a new sewing machine for Christmas. She is nine, and already has made boxers for her brothers, p.j.s, even a jumper for her school uniform.
I think it is high time she made her first quilt, and I want it to be from Quilt Remix!

If you would like to win a copy of the book, leave a comment to this post. I will put the names into a hat and pick a winner one week from today, January 19th. Be sure and leave contact info!


  1. This book looks fabulous!
    I'd love to win a copy

  2. This book looks like a fantastic resource. I'd love to win it.

  3. I've been enjoying the tour and this is my first time to visit your blog. Thanks for the introduction to the book and for the chance to win a copy.

  4. Such a beautiful book! hope I win!! heatherpmg @

  5. Looks like a fascinating book full of inspiration. Would love to win it. I have a 10 yr. old granddaughter with whom I sew. I bought her a sewing machine this past year so she could experiment more on her own. We both could use this book. Thanks.

  6. Good interview - and thanks for the giveaway!

  7. I'm hoping I win this book on someone's blog. This is my first visit to your's and I'll add you to those I regularly visit. Thanks. Kathie L in Allentown
    kathryn . laposata at gmail . com

  8. This book looks like one I would buy-here's hoping I win a copy!

  9. I would love to win this book. It looks like so much fun.


  10. Interesting review, Allie. I'd love to win a copy. Thanks for counting me in.

  11. This book looks so interesting! I bet it would be so fun to make some projects from it....thanks for hosting the giveaway.

    I wish you a happy belated new year! =)

  12. Quilt Remix would be an interesting book to own - deconstructed traditional appeals to me. Thanks to you and stash books for the giveaway of Emily Cier's wonderful pub.

  13. You said it with your first sentence...THIS BOOK IS A JOY !

  14. This book was on my Xmas list and I'm disappointed I didn't get it as I love Emily's patterns!

  15. I'd love to win a copy of this book -- so refreshing!

  16. The book looks like a wonderful additon to my collection. New interpretations! Would love to win.

  17. How wonderful that your niece likes to sew and you will be able to make quilts with her.


  18. I am really loving all I have been reading about "Quilt Remix". It looks very interesting and a great resource as well.

    Good luck to Qwen. She looks so cute sitting at her machine and I bet she'll be working on her own quilt soon.

  19. Looks like such a cool book. Wish I'd had a sewing machine at that age.

  20. Book looks great, and I think I am ready to try to teach my daughter to sew a bit! I am inspired.

  21. Love the quilts in this book, they are so unique. I could just spend hours looking tnrough this book, then try and come up with colors from my stash to make any one of the quilts look as good. Anyway I would love to have a copy of this book. Thanks.

  22. This book looks great! Thank you for the giveaway! And congrats on getting your little girl started on sewing!

  23. Can't wait to see what your niece makes!

  24. Allie, familiar things are comfortable and give a feeling of security. So these 'remixed' traditional patterns make me feel good before I even start to sew.

  25. I love seeing the tradition of homemade being passed on to the next generation. My grandson is totally fascinated by the idea of cutting fabric into little squares and sewing them back together.

  26. Great Pics! This looks like a good book! I’m in need of some more modern patterns and fabric combinations.

    Thank you for hosting this great giveaway!

  27. so excited for this book! requested my library purchase a copy in case i dont win one!!

  28. Somehow thru the Remix tour I ended up on your blog; admired your latest crazy (fence) quilt and (of course) had another look at the Remix book. Thanks for the give away - I hope you will get your next gen interested in a Remix pattern quilt!

  29. WoW! What a nice looking book! I NEED a copy! Thanks for a great interview, too.

  30. Nice to meet you Allie! I can't wait to get my hands on the book - I especially love the quilt on the cover and the green/yellow (I can't go back to the picture - I hope those are the correct colors)one that you like. Thanks for the chance to win this great book.

  31. Hi Allison.Just to let you know that the modern quilt movement has reached the bottom of the world. :)Last night here in Christchurch NZ we had the inaugural meeting Of the Canterbury Modern Quilt Guild.I think this book fits right in with this "new genre".
    I thoroughly enjoy your blog.
    Regards Phillipa in New Zealand

  32. This book looks great! And what a cutie your Qwen is at the sewing machine. :)

  33. I like to see young sew-ers! My mom taught me when I was young, and the skills are invaluable. And such fun for quilters! This book looks fabulous!

  34. I love emily's style and I have bought a number of her patterns but boy would that book be a much loved addition. Thanks for the chance to win.

  35. This looks like a really good book.


  36. I hopr Gwen gets a copy of the book too!

  37. It would be fantastic to win a copy of the book. It is great to see the younger generation enjoying sewing and making gifts for family.
    happy days.

  38. Great book! Thanks for the tour.

  39. Looks like a book I'd like to have in my library for new projects.

  40. I love when people take something from a book and make it their own! Rebels! I love quilt rebels!

  41. I am falling in love with this book. Thanks for the chance to win it!

    wordygirl at earthlink dot net

  42. eeek! another chance to win this fabulous book! Please count me in!

    And thanks for the giveaway day!

  43. How cute is your neice! I wish I would have started sewing early! I love what I see of this book and I am anxious to have my own copy!

  44. Definitely a must have book for my bookshelf. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

  45. What a great looking book. Thanks for sharing!

  46. This does look like an interesting book. I'm about to start on a traditional quilt and I may have to reconsider my pattern. Karen

  47. You've convinced me that I would like to have this new book. Please put me in the drawing to win a copy.

  48. This book has some pretty amazing quilts I'd love to try! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  49. I love the quilts in thsi book, several are already on my "to make" list! Thanks for the chance to win it. mascanlon49 at

  50. I too have a new little sewist...yet to make her first quilt. WE would love this book!

  51. It would be nice to win a copy of the book!

  52. Wow this book looks awesome! Thanks for the giveaway :-)

  53. This book looks absolutely delightful.

  54. Oh, my goodness. I have been sewing since I was about the age of your niece.......that is longer than lots of folks live!

    Would love a chance to win the book.


  55. This book sounds great!
    blessed.mama4 at

  56. It would be awesome to win!!!

    rainylakechick at gmail dot com

  57. I have a been a fan of Emily's for quite some time. Discovered her blog when researching sewing machines and ever since have been checking out her work regularly. Fabulous book!

  58. I'd love to have this book. I've been hearing so many great things about it. thanks for the oppty.


  59. Would love to have this amazing book!

  60. The book looks fab. Even if I don't win a copy I'll be getting my hands on one!

  61. Oh thanks for being a stop on this blog tour. With what you asked I so want a copy since I am new to quilting. Ahh the basics.

  62. Love the twist on the traditional...makes it almost an art quilt. How nice to have another budding quilter in the family! None of my girls were interested...only one of them has any crafty maybe later in life the 'bug' will get her! :)

  63. I love Emily's take on traditional patterns. Looks like a great book!

  64. The book looks like it has some lovely proects. How fun to teach a youngster to quilt! Nine is like the perfect age!

  65. HORRAYYY!!! for young girls sewing! I did when I was little, but my sisters missed the boat. So sad. Thank you for sharing and thank you for the opportunity to win a copy!

  66. Looks like a fun new book with lots of neat patterns!

  67. Please enter me in your giveaway!

  68. This book looks amazing!! Thanks so much!

  69. Hi I'm new to your blog, I just started the tour today. I'm sure I'll be back regularly. THanks for the chance to win, it looks like it would bea great addition to my quilting library!!! ;>

  70. Inspiration, inspiration, inspiration! I like a challenge.

  71. Count me in!
    Love to see little ones sewing!

  72. I would adore a copy of this book. I love the fact that the quilts are a new take on traditional block designs.

  73. That book looks fantastic!!! I would love to win, thanks for the chance.

  74. Definitely interested - if it's not too late to enter?

  75. This book looks awesome!! Would love to win it! Thanks for the chance.

  76. I just love the quilts in this book and need the clear instructions you describe. Mcthekat at gmail dot com

  77. I remember when my daughter sat a my machines. I would love a chance to win this book

  78. Thank you so much for the chance!

    Coincidentally, my now 10 y.o. daughter received a sewing machine from Santa when she was 9. She loves it and has used it lots, she's the crazy patch mug mat queen!

  79. Good for your niece, I love to see young girls sewing. I think that it sewing is something that every young girl (and boys) should be exposed to at some point in their lives.

  80. I think the book is great. I love how Emily can mix fabrics she has a real flair for colour.

  81. The visit was useful. Content was really very informative. From

  82. I find myself drawn to "modern" quilts more and more. Never would have thought that would be the case! I plan to add this book to my quilt library - would love to do so by winning a copy!!! Thanks for the opportunity and for the giveaway!


  83. This book looks wonderful! Thanks so much for a great giveaway!

  84. I'd love to win a copy of this book. Thanks for the opportunity!

  85. Thank you for the chance to win the book- it looks great! I think it's vital for us to pass on our love of fabric and sewing to the next generations! Good job you!!

  86. This blog tour has shown me a book that I might never have seen. Thanks also for the awesome giveaway. If I don't win I think I will have to go out & buy it for myself.

  87. I love finding new ways to use traditional quilting. And I'd love to win a copy of the book.

  88. This book is going to be very popular. Thanks for sharing insights.


  89. Whatever the modern quilting movement is, I'm enjoying it! Thanks for taking part of the tour. It's been fun following along.

  90. Thanks for the chance to win.

  91. This looks like a very fun book. Thanks for the chance to win.

  92. One of the best things about a blog tour is finding new places to visit and new ideas to learn. I'm sure glad I came here for the first time! Besides wanting to win a book, I am having a good time snooping around your blog.

    Leslie S. in MN
    esclante at comcast dot net

  93. Love these book blog tours. Sounds like a great book and I esp like your mention of clarity and accuracy of instructions. In addition to great quilts, good pictures and good instructions are critical to a good book. Fingers crossed for this one!

  94. Oh, I'm so glad I stopped by - this looks like such a fun book. Hours of entertainment for the crafty. :)

  95. I would love to win this book, looks like a lot of great inspiration!

  96. Sure looks like an interesting book.

  97. Lovely! This is looking like a wonderful book for anyone to have. thanks for hosting

  98. What a great project to start with. A fantastic resource that would be so super in anyones library.

  99. love the book

    thanks for the great giveaway!!

  100. So excited about this book - looks really unique! Love the last picture on your post - what a lovely grin!

  101. I am positively drooling over the photos in this book! Can't wait to get my hands on it!!!

  102. I would love to win this book...such great patterns!!

  103. Thanks for the great give away!


  104. those photos are the most precious ever and will mean a great deal to her later in life.

    thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous book !

  105. Looks a like a great book I would love to have it.
    Thanks for the chance to win

  106. Sounds like an interesting book.

  107. Looks lovely! that Dresden & Pinwheels patterns look amazing!

  108. The book looks wonderful. Thank you for the interview as well.

  109. This looks like a great book. I'd love to have a copy of it.

  110. I love the quilts in the book!! And I've seen a few comments in the blog hop about the great directions, too, which is wonderful!

  111. thanks for the giveaway. I'm eager to see this book in person!

  112. Lovin' these quilts! Thanks for hosting :)

  113. NEAT BOOK!

  114. -i would luv to win that book!
    -i like your blog as well, first time visitor but certainly not thae last!!!

  115. You have one lucky niece! Thanks for the give away!

  116. thank-you for helping "us" keep on top of the happenings in the quilt world. I also love all the things you are creating - creativity is indeed a verb!

  117. Ooh looks like a good book. I'm adding it to my Amazon wish list. :)

  118. Interesting quils in this book and great concept. Thaks for the chance. Jane

  119. I love the quilts I've seen from this book on some of the other blogs in the hop! I would love to win.

  120. I want to make her "Trip Around the World" quilt!

  121. The book looks like so much fun to play with - put my name in the draw please!

  122. Love your blog and I'm glad to have found it! The book looks great!

  123. Oh, I would love to win this book. It looks fascinating.

  124. Fun stuff. I love that you are getting young ones into quilting.

  125. Your niece is adorable! Thank you for sharing her with us.
    I'm a huge fan of Emily's patterns, and I'd be thrilled to win a copy of her book.

  126. Thank you so much for hosting the tour. I read into your blog and found it amazing what do you with lace and embroidery, and your trick with inks!
    Greetings from Europe!


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