
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Home Portrait for Meg...Finished!

I can't wait for Meg to get this in the mail on Monday!

It was so much fun adding the "weather" to this piece. I plan on developing this whole concept of home portraits more fully over the next year, teaching it too. (Stay tuned....)

A detail.....

The flurries of snow actually act as a secondary frame--there is another across the lower left corner. They each cover a part of the photograph that would have been difficult to augment with stitching or just wasn't that visually "necessary" to show anyway.

This measures 12" X 15".
Gosh it was fun to do!

Now I have a couple of quick Christmas stockings to whip up...a niece lost her Christmas box during her last move, you see......


  1. Hello Allie, Truly beautiful work of art, and I asure you it looks like that right now in Michigan. We are having a terrible blizzard at the moment. VBG. Hugs Judy

  2. BEAUTIFUL!!! Meg will love it I am sure. What a treasure!

  3. absolutely LOVELY!!! i love all the snowflakes...what a true gem! She will love it :)

  4. Gosh! It's beautiful!

    I can almost see Christmas lights "on" in this picture. It's a wonder what a work of art you can continually come up with, opportunities are unlimited.


  5. I love how you've 'weathered' this piece! It's beautiful!

  6. Such a lovely piece, I'm sure it will be treasured

  7. I love the little embroidered snowflakes! The whole thing has that lovely misty snow quality.

  8. It's a winter wonderland! This is a great idea for a gift...I'm going to have to remember that one. And the snowy pics with all the different doilies and snowy flakes...and your superb depth of field stitching...makes the whole thing come together into a panoply of cozy creativeness! If she doesn't love it, I'll eat my top hat!

    You didn't realize I was wearing one did you ;)

  9. Your snow flurries are beautiful. So delicate!

    I haven't forgotten about our swap. Maybe next week I can send you a picture.

  10. It is the most beautiful picture, understatement, Art I have ever seen!
    Do you mind if I keep a photo of it, for my own enjoyment/inspiration?
    Thank you for sharing!

    Sandie xx

  11. Allie!!!
    this is simply stunning What a wonderful keepsake! i AM SURE THAT Meg will treasure it!!!!
    Happy New Year to you!!! I am going to keep an eye on your teaching schedule!!!

  12. Sooo beautiful... I'm sure that she loved it! What's not to love... my dear hubby would love it too, mostly because of the snow!


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