
Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Book....At Last!!!

Dear Readers....I've been sitting on this news for almost two years, but now I can finally share it: my first book is being published by C & T Publishers in February of 2011!

All last fall while I was posting those weekly flowers for the Vintage CQ, behind the scenes my fingers were flying and my keyboard was redhot. What a great experience it was, producing the manuscript and all the projects, examples and technique how-tos for this book.
Working with the editors and book designer at C&T was a dream come true, too....

I'll tell you more about how all this came about in the weeks to come. It was a Cinderella story....

Meanwhile, just know that my heart and soul and all my experiences in crazy quilting have gone into this book so that--hopefully--others can share a joy all their own by practicing the art of crazy quilting.
Stay tuned for more information!


  1. I had heard that you were having a book published. Congratulations!. Feb is not that far off and I am SURE you will let us know when we can get our signed copies!!

  2. Fantastic Allie!! Can't wait to see it.

  3. The cover is beautiful! Congratulations!

  4. I have it on pre-order from Amazon - can't wait!! Huge congratulations Allie - I know it's going to be a winner.

  5. Yahooo! The cover is beautiful. Can't wait to get my hot little hands on it!

  6. OMG, how wonderful, Allie!!! I'm so happy for you. The cover is just beautiful, as I'm sure every page will be as well. Your work is just amazing. Can't wait to see! BIG Congratulations! :) Paulette

  7. Congrats!!! I hope it's a fantastic hit!

  8. Whew! You've come a long way, Baby, when you thought you couldn't do it. LOL I'm thrilled it's finally a reality. You are the greatest!! It looks gorgeous!

  9. Oh, how wonderful! I'm sure it will be a great read as your work is so inspiring! Congratulations!!


  10. Oh Allie I'm so happy for you... Of course I will be first in line to buy it... Go girl Go....
    Gerry K.

  11. I know we’ll all be lining up to get our copies!! You’ll be autographing plenty of them at the CQ Adventure in April, LOL. This is wonderful and it couldn’t have happened to a nicer, more talented and deserving person! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Hugs, Cathy

  12. Does the cover come with a plastic coating to protect it from all the drool? I cannot wait to open the pages and fall into your dreamy floral garden.

    My favorite part of the whole thing...well,other than the the "joyful stitching" part...

    That's YOU all right!

    I'm whooping it up over here in Maryland!!

  13. That's a great achievement - well done. And I'm so glad the publishers were easy to work with. It makes such a difference!

  14. Congratulations Allie! No one deserves this recognition more than you! Can't wait to hold a copy in my hands!

  15. Congratulations!
    As a newbie to CQ, I will be on the look out for this book. What a great honor to have your work published...but in a book form is absolutly fantastic.

  16. YeeHaw! Finally and at last... congrats, Ms. Allie!

  17. Wow Huge congratulations, the cover is beautiful, so I can only guess at how wonderful the inside is.

  18. Congratulations! It is nice to finally see it.;) You must be thrilled.

  19. WOW!!! Good for you! How wonderful! I can imagine it is akin to having a child... at least that's what I've heard!
    Guess I will have to keep my eyes open!

  20. Wonderful news! We all admire you so much (book or no book)!

  21. I can't wait to get my hands on it!!!!
    You are so good at secrets!!! and I am so excited for you@!@@!!

  22. Congratulations!! WOW! Will be looking for it!

  23. I am soooo excited for you and for all of us who would love to have your book.


  24. I am so happy for you. Just know, I told no one. I so wanted to. I can't wait to get my hands on it. It will be great! Congratulaions!


  25. Fabulous news, Allie. Congratulations!!

  26. Allie!! Congratualtions! I am so very happy and excited for you. I'll be standing in line at the CQ Adventure next spring for your autograph - you better make sure you bring plenty of copies as I know we'll all want one. Way to go!!!

  27. Oh, Happy Day!! This is wonderful news! PJones

  28. I can hardly wait for it to come out . I love what you do I have done one crazy quilt. just the blocks . they are still waiting to be put into a quilt.

  29. Woohoo!!! I want to purchase one with your autograph please!!

  30. congratulations, ave a good days

  31. I am so excited for you and your book... that was one heck of a secret to keep from us... now to wait until it comes available

  32. Congratulations! Your work is beautiful, so I know the book will be too!

  33. Yea! At last you can go public! Can't wait to see the book.

  34. Kudos on the book; I can't wait to order one.


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