
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bars and Stripes...Day 2

Made some good progress getting this project rolling! One and a third bars are done being pieced.

I'm going to have to rearrange things in here to free up the full extent of the design wall. I haven't needed it this big since my last bed quilt, which I made in about 2003... ;-)

This shows the width of it...

..and this shows the length. The pieced bars are 11" wide; their length is about 88".

Here's a closer look. You can see I've pinned up some lace to act as a border on the plain fabric. I honestly don't know what will actually be there in the end, but probably some combination of lace and velvet ribbon. The color choices of these have the potential to really spark things up.

As do the second set of bars. Their colors will be deeper in value and a bit richer in hue than the inner bars. I wonder if that will be to keep going to find out!


  1. I love your color palette in this quilt!

  2. Are you really going to put seam treatments on all the seams? that's a boatload of work! (even simple ones)

  3. I love this design. What a great way to clear out the scraps, and that border fabric really unifies the piece.

  4. This is so interesting to watch as it comes together. Wow!

  5. I can see all of autumn emerging here in this quilt...the colors are magical together. And I think those pops of pink take it in a new direction. It's going to be absolutely beautiful and a way of immersing yourself in the season. I've fallen in myself!

  6. Certainly looking good at the moment!

  7. jeez allie, this is going to be another beaut. marvellous!

  8. Another work of art you are creating!! The colors are gorgeous, and I look forward to many posts about seam treatments and other fine things.

  9. What a fantastic idea to do a strippy. The border fabric is perfect--this is gonna be a stunner. One more for the books!

  10. Allie,
    I have some vintage velvet ribbon I bought from ebay a few years ago. Email me at I would like to send it to you. Maybe it would work, maybe not. Keep it either way. I love this CQ!

    Kerri Murphy

  11. Hi Allie, You sure have a way of jumping into some incredible projects. WOW! I can't wait to see how this one progresses - it will certainly be eye candy for all of us!


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