
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Vintage CQ...Outer Blocks Finished

A tour around the blocks!
There are 14 of them, and I'll just post them in order as they go around the center section of the quilt.
I won't show the whole view until it is all sewn together, though. You'll have to wait to see....

Believe it or not, there is a lot of structure built into this quilt, to counter the randomness inherent in it too. Hopefully that will all be apparent in the end....
As always, click on the pictures to get a larger view.

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3

Block 4

Block 5

Block 6

Block 7

Block 8

Block 9

Block 10

Block 11

Block 12

Block 13

Block 14

And yes, a few of those butterflies landed in the center of the quilt, too.

I really couldn't stop them.

It feels good to be coming down the home stretch on this quilt, although there is still that outer border to go....


  1. Anonymous is I!

  2. Stevii's comment was this...I thought it was a prankster!

    With that butterfly theme, you need a Butterfly dog on the quilt. Butterfly dog is a Papillon. I have one of those snotty princess dogs at my house.

  3. These really have an old-fashioned feel to them, Allie. Great job! I love those butterflies the best though!

  4. I love the butterflies. The are delightful.

  5. Those butterflies are a wonderful touch - they look like they're attracted to the color and joy of this quilt, and they add their own, plus the feeling of impending movement.

  6. I'd say a cloud of butterflies sums it up nicely. The black outline looks great.

  7. The butterfiles are such a great addition to each block and a good way to pull all of the blocks together. Cant wait to see the whole quilt.

  8. A stunning collection of blocks, will be a stunning quilt, I'm sure! Beautiful as always!!

  9. Hi Allie! They are all so beautiful...I couldn't pick a favorite if I tried! Can't wait to see it all put together. It will surely be another stunner! Enjoy your day. Paulette :)

  10. WOW! What a tour - they're beautiful and what a sense of accomplishment to finish this section of the quilt.

  11. How fun! The flutterbies are wonderful, a perfect addition. Can't wait to see the whole quilt. Are you having cool weather like we are? Only 65 today...

  12. incredible.
    greetings from the alps.

  13. I agree with everyone; those butterflies are just the perfect touch!

    I tried to send an email, but it didn't go through, thanking you for your nice comment on my blog.

  14. For some reason my favorite was block 4. I also loved the center with the needle punched flowers.

    This is going to be another treasure.
    Can't wait to see it all together.




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