
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Flower Time with TAP...Part 2

That frame gave me fits. (See previous post.) It competed with the central embroidered image, rather than focusing on it. I tried many ways to subdue it, but finally gave up and decided to "wallpaper over it" with some other fabrics.
The irregular shapes gave me the idea I needed, after many false starts.

I've enjoyed embroidering over the photo. The TAP creates a slightly stiff surface on the cotton, and I want to work with this new product some more, using silk to see if I can achieve a softer base for my stitching. But I would use it again as is, for its simplicity of use, sharp detail, good color, and reduced ink consumption too.

Here's where I am now...

Do click on this so you can see it better.
Some raw edged appliqued leaves fit with the theme and also were right in terms of color, value, and shape. *Whew* Problem solved!

There is more stitching to go on the central image but at least now I can proceed without being bugged every time I look at this.
And I would like to make another one....

I have been putting some time in on the Vintage CQ and will show that next post.

Stay cool and hydrated everyone!


  1. Allie, you are so talented, I am constantly in awe of your creative talents!

  2. Looking good, Allie! I agree, the leaves compliment the photo rather than overpowering it like the flowers, though beautiful, did. Can't wait to see what you do next! Isn't this weather glorious?
    Our garden is singing!

  3. Oh Allie, that is absolutely gorgeous! As is all of your work. You really have an eye for landscape designs. Beautiful!



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