
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

TAST Week 2 "Knotted Loop Stitch"

I'm using this year's TAST as a means to get some new stitches along the seams of my Vintage CQ. Otherwise I would simply default to my old favorites: Herringbone, Cretan, Feather, etc. when covering the seams of these blocks.

This week's "Knotted Loop Stitch" took me awhile to figure out, but once I did, it was fun. I like the way it gives a slightly raised look to the simple seam treatments.

The knotted loop stitch is along the brocade orange fabric, lower right. Using heavy round thread helped me see what I was doing with the stitch.

In the second example I definitely had the rhythm going but did get my knots reversed here and there.

I am becoming more and more interested in the graphic impact of seam treatments, as opposed to the intricacies of their embroidery...I leave that to more capable stitchers!
For visual impact, this stitch has great potential, and I am glad I finally "got it"!

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my favorite blocks on this piece and you did great with the new stitch. The animal print is a copy of your grandpas fabric if I remember right?


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