
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lecturing at the PVQA's 32nd Annual Show

I'm off to Watsonville, CA this week-end!
It is such an honor to be the Featured Artist at the Pajaro Valley Quilt Association's annual show. There will be a selection of some of my work on display, and a lecture at 2 p.m. on Saturday the 27th. I'll be on hand during the week-end and look forward to seeing and meeting all of you who come to the show.
This is a really talented guild and I know there will be some awesome quilts on display, as well as great vendors.
Hope you can make it!

Meanwhile, I do have some last minute sleeves to sew on and quiltlets to finish.... ;-)

I'd better get busy!


  1. Good Luck Allie, You'll do great and I hope you have a great time! Maureen

  2. What a fine honor. I am sure you will do them proud.

  3. That's quite a quilt guild from their wbsite. Have fun doing your talk, I'm sure all arms will be open for you there.
    PS. Thanks for the tip on Google reader

  4. Have a good trip and a great lecture!

  5. P.S. I LOVE the pic they have of you on that page! You look not a day over 20!!!!!! Smokin'!! And I mean you...and no, I'm not....

  6. I had a carload of quilters planning to attend, but our plans changed. I have a funeral to go to instead. (The father of a VERY good friend.)

    I was so looking forward to meeting you. Have a spectacular time, and maybe our paths will cross elsewhere.


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